Astrologer issues urgent warning to all Australians ahead of Sunday’s full moon and says it could be time to ditch the day job and focus on family

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

The cosmic spotlight is shining on your ambitions this month. This Capricorn full moon encourages you to reach for the stars… you may not make it, but you’ll be further along than you would if you didn’t try. So go for it and think big.

You are making progress and it is a good time to reflect on how far you have come. You may be tempted to work too much or put too much energy and effort into it.

But sometimes it’s also good to smell the roses when you’re dealing with family and home problems.

Working and striving for success can go overboard, so create some balance in your life. Reach for the stars and honor the stardust beneath your feet. In other words, stay grounded and balanced in all things.

Make a plan and schedule some time for yourself with your loved ones, new ideas and projects.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

The full moon in another earth sign makes a hard aspect to your subconscious. Restlessness, turbulent dreams and emotions can arise as you try to expand your life in some way.

It is a case of choppy water, but you are still making progress, so don’t give up. You may think about further study or long distance travel. Spirituality may also become more important to you.

Learning and growing is the name of the game now, even if you are not sure which direction to go in. Soon the time will come when decisions will be clearer and easier to make.

Don’t forget to add some variety and excitement to your life too. All work and no play can bring Taurus back down to earth with a bang!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

The resources you share with others, whether it be investments, taxes, pensions or even an inheritance, may come into play now. It may also be a time to pay off debts – financial or karmic.

Pay what you owe, even if it hurts. You will save yourself future problems by paying the bill or apologizing.

Your intimate life can also be quite a feature in your life. It is a time to find more emotional depth and really get in touch with those primal forces deep within.

You may want to talk to an intimate partner about what you are really feeling right now. You can find hidden depths in previously unknown waters.

Even if you feel vulnerable, it’s okay to be real about your feelings and communicate them, even if you feel hesitant at first. Intimacy is important right now.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Committed relationships, both business and personal, play an important role today.

You may have to make compromises because your independence and your view of the world may have consequences for someone around you.

If you handle it with kid gloves, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is a conflict. But if you react impulsively, it could be.

Personal autonomy is important, but so are the feelings of your loved ones. It is best to find a balance between your needs and those of those close to you. Capricorn will help you, as partnerships and marriages are important this month.

Reliability, steadfastness and stability are your guides now. If you have legal problems, compromises may be necessary here too.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

It is a transformative time with subconscious forces influencing your daily life. Repressed emotions and subconscious content can now surface as many possibilities are being born.

Your routine work, hobbies or pets may change in some way. So, go with the changes and let your emotions express themselves in the right way. Health can also be affected in the same way.

Pay attention to your stress levels – if you are feeling stressed, go for a walk in nature. Time out and some self reflection is needed as your spiritual life becomes more important now.

Pay attention to your dreams and those little flashes of insight you may have during the day between tasks. Spirit is sending you messages to help you with all the transitions you are going through in your daily life right now.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Friends, groups and colleagues can cause problems now. Maybe you are not on the same page anymore? Differences in opinion can sometimes be hard to digest.

The full moon moves quickly, so you may want to wait a few days before making any major decisions. Your hopes and dreams are also subject to change as you reevaluate your life and social commitments.

On the bright side, you’re probably feeling more creative and playtime is calling! Get out there and have some fun with those friends you can trust.

Romance may also be on the agenda…you never know who you might meet. It’s a time of awe, wonder and excitement, so enjoy it.

You may be dealing more with children or perhaps your own inner child wants your attention. Reassure them and take away their fears now.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Creative and unexpected ways of dealing with the resources you share with others arise… and that’s good.

The Universe sends you a bolt of lightning out of nowhere and bingo: you have innovative solutions to problems you may have been struggling with for a while.

However, there is also likely to be tension between home and family versus your career or perhaps a parent. Authority figures may act up now and you may need to use your Libra charm to appease others in your career zone.

Capricorn can lend a helping hand here, however, with structure and stability. This is especially true if you are of the ‘adult’ vintage.

Be prepared for some major transformations to take place this month as something old leaves and something new comes into being. It will not be a dull time.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Take a deep breath – this is not the best time to make hasty decisions. You may want to change direction or grow your life in a new way, but there are some obstacles in your path.

It’s probably best to take it slow and take it easy. This doesn’t mean change won’t happen – it’s probably a matter of timing. You may be thinking about travel, education or spirituality, but things aren’t going according to plan yet…

Don’t worry – Jupiter will help you increase your resources to do whatever you want. Mars will give you the drive and Capricorn the ambition.

You will get there no matter what. Communication is likely to be laced with emotion and logic may be in short supply at this point.

Give your feelings space and add a dash of analytical thinking if necessary, especially after a few days.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Unpredictable changes in your daily life can have a positive effect on your finances.

You may get lucky with a seemingly simple action that brings you a reward. In the same way, your beliefs around money may also change and you may move from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality.

Transformative communication is likely now. However, someone else with whom you share investments or assets will not be so happy about it. Any change can upset financial apple carts, so keep this in mind.

This situation could involve joint investments, taxes, superannuation, inheritances or wills. Your intimate life or lack thereof could also be an issue.

If you are intimate with someone else, spend some time working out possible problems. It will serve you well.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

The full moon in your sign shines a bright light on your ambition and drive to get ahead. There are some very positive aspects with a lot of planets lending support – Mars, Uranus, Neptune and even Pluto relate to your full moon.

This is very beneficial for you in many areas of your life. Your daily work, health, creativity, romance and communication are just a few sectors that are looking up.

Your reliability and diligence will carry you far, even if there is some tension in committed relationships. Compromise on things that are not core values ​​and stick to those that are very important to you.

You are about to approach the world in a new, more powerful way. You may wish to update your appearance and identity to better reflect this.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Pluto and the full moon are working together… soon you’ll be entering the world in a whole new way.

Your identity is slowly changing and the Full Moon gives you energy to become more unique.

It is quite a spiritual time, so seek insights into yourself now. Your dreams and subconscious energies are making themselves known to you. This can affect your daily life and work.

So keep your feet on the ground and aim for the practical side, while your head is above the stars of possibility.

It might be a good time to get away from work or routine, perhaps go on a retreat somewhere in nature? You might feel more creative and unexpected things are happening around your home or family… but they are likely to be positive and flow easily.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

It is a spiritual time for you with many inner possibilities coming to the surface of your mind. There is enormous potential here as you are accessing your inner truth beyond the usual veils of doubt and fear.

It is an exciting time because you can meet new people who align with your core values. Of course, this can also mean that it is time to say goodbye to those acquaintances, friends or groups that are no longer on the same page.

There may be challenges with people who get in the way of your creativity or your inner child who wants to have some fun. Now get out there and socialize with like-minded people, relaxation and fun are the name of the game for you.

So go with the Pisces energy flow towards entertainment, lightheartedness and romance. You probably also have a lot of energy for home and family matters now.

Source: Rose Smith