Moment two elderly women chase off masked thugs wielding a hammer and trying to steal a motorbike – as crooks flee empty-handed on a scooter

  • Two elderly women witness attempted motorcycle robbery in Leeds
  • Attackers tried to break a chain holding a superbike in place
  • Do you know these brave women? Email us at:

Two elderly women bravely intervened and stopped masked criminals with hammers trying to steal an expensive motorbike in Leeds, despite the risks to their own safety.

Footage shows two masked bicycle thieves on their own small white motorbike standing in front of a black superbike in a car park on Bennett Street in Leeds.

While one remains behind the wheel, the other jumps off and tries to force the wheel lock that holds the parked bicycle in place.

“Get the number,” the getaway driver is heard saying as the other attacker begins hitting the wheel lock with a hammer.

Unbelievably, two older women see the two from behind bushes and immediately begin trying to intervene. They are heard shouting ‘hey’, ‘leave it with’ and ‘get off’.

The two would-be bike thieves pulled up next to the expensive superbike in a Leeds car park and began trying to break the wheel lock holding the bike in place

One of the elderly passersby who bravely intervened and scared off the attackers is seen approaching them despite the risks to her own safety. The attackers made a quick getaway

One of the elderly passersby who bravely intervened and scared off the attackers is seen approaching them despite the risks to her own safety. The attackers made a quick getaway

At the moment the bicycle alarm goes off, we see one of the ladies approach the attackers and shout: ‘What on earth are you doing?’

The elderly lady was wearing a striped T-shirt and has gray hair.

After the older passers-by courageously intervened and were unable to destroy the wheel lock, the attackers quickly fled.

The attacker with the hammer jumps after the driver, who quickly drives away from the parking lot.

They are chased by one of the older ladies, who shouts, “Come back now.”

MailOnline has contacted West Yorkshire Police for comment on the incident.