Our tweakment expert reveals the one place getting filler will REALLY make you look years younger

Q Vertical lines are forming above my lip (I’ve never smoked). Is there anything I can do to prevent it from getting worse?

A You don’t want to stop talking or kissing, but luckily there are ways to hydrate the area and soften the lines.

1721032340 50 Our tweakment expert reveals the one place getting filler will

Belotero Soft is a light dermal filler that is injected along the lip line and spread under the nasolabial area using a cannula; the product contains an anesthetic, so the process is only slightly painful. It provides a tiny amount of volume (also to the upper lip) that smooths the area without puffing it up. It turns back the clock a few years.

Alternatively, Belotero Revive is a liquid injectable ‘skin booster’ that floods the area with intense moisture and can soften pigmentation. There is no added volume (and no anesthetic, but this can be provided separately).

Cosmetic doctor Dr Sarah Tonks (thelovelyclinic.co.uk) charges £595 per treatment for Belotero Soft and £695 for Revive. Results last for around six months.