Research shows women drivers are less likely to involved in severe crashes compared to men

Research shows that if you want to get home safely, it’s better to have a female driver.

The chance of passengers being involved in an accident was a third lower if the driver was a woman.

“Female drivers are generally involved in less serious accidents than male drivers,” Spanish researchers from the University of Grenada wrote in the journal Heliyon.

They analyzed data from 171,230 accidents involving more than 400,000 drivers and passengers.

If you want to get home in one piece, you’re better off with a female driver, research shows (Stock photo)

The results showed there was a 28 percent lower risk of serious injury in a crash if the driver was female (Stock photo)

The results showed there was a 28 percent lower risk of serious injury in a crash if the driver was female (Stock photo)

The results showed that the chance of serious injury in a crash was 28 percent lower if the driver was a woman.

In accidents involving only one vehicle, that percentage rose to 33 percent.

The study also found that women involved in an accident were 23 percent more likely to end up in hospital.

One theory is that women are physically more vulnerable to injury.