Marjorie Taylor Greene is lashed after getting list of people who signed Declaration of Independence wrong

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene made yet another humiliating social media gaffe over the weekend, falsely naming several icons of American history as signatories to the Declaration of Independence.

“The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44, but over a dozen were 35 or younger,” the Trump supporter tweeted on July 5.

“Thomas Jefferson: 33 John Hancock: 39 James Madison: 25 Alexander Hamilton: 21 James Monroe: 18 Aaron Burr: 20 Paul Revere: 41 George Washington: 44,” she added.

The mistake is that neither James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, Aaron Burr, Paul Revere, or George Washington were signers of the famous document.

Greene was immediately attacked by X users who happily pointed out her mistake. One user, Lisa Liberal, summed up the sentiments of many people: “STOP ELECTING STUPID PEOPLE.”

The tweet in which Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene incorrectly names the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The post has not been deleted

Greene has been campaigning hard lately in support of Donald Trump. Yesterday, she led a boat rally in her home state

Greene has been campaigning hard lately in support of Donald Trump. Yesterday, she led a boat rally in her home state

Greene pictured here with a supporter at Lake Allatoona on Sunday

Greene pictured here with a supporter at Lake Allatoona on Sunday

“Keep in mind ladies and gentlemen. That Marjorie Taylor Greene is a U.S. Representative. Whose salary is paid by taxpayers,” she added.

Another user, retired teacher Mama Sissie Says, also pointed out another flaw in Greene’s logic.

‘Marjorie Taylor Greene is (AGAIN) completely wrong about history… Claiming that the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 44 is NOT a fabrication, when the life expectancy of the Founding Fathers was only 64.’

“I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence so I can personally show you who signed it,” another user joked.

“How could you forget Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan and Ronald Reagan?” added Jack Kimble, Republican congressman from California.

There were 56 signers of the document on July 4, 1776, in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. All were delegates to the Continental Congress.

Greene was again heavily attacked on X this past weekend for posting yet another lie, claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia during a boat rally on Lake Allatoona.

“Yesterday’s enthusiasm for President Trump on Lake Allatoona was unmatched!! I know he won Georgia in 2020 and after yesterday I know he will win Georgia again in 2024!” she wrote.

Earlier this month, Greene appeared in Connecticut to support Steve Bannon as he began his four-month prison sentence for ignoring a subpoena

Earlier this month, Greene appeared in Connecticut to support Steve Bannon as he began his four-month prison sentence for ignoring a subpoena

1720437511 567 Marjorie Taylor Greene is lashed after getting list of people

1720437514 529 Marjorie Taylor Greene is lashed after getting list of people

X users were quick to spot Greene's glaring error

X users were quick to spot Greene’s glaring error

Trump is on trial in the Peach State for his continued, false claims that he missed out on victory there in 2020.

In August 2023, a grand jury indicted Trump and 18 others, accusing them of participating in a vast scheme to illegally overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence

Gwinnett Button

Lyman Hall

George Walton

Willem Hooper

Joseph Hewes

John Penn

Edward Rutledge

Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Thomas Lynch, Jr.

Arthur Middleton

Samuel Pursuit

Willem Paca

Thomas Steen

Charles Carroll of Carrollton

George Wythe

Richard Hendrik Lee

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Harrison

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Driver Braxton

Robert Morris

Benjamin Rush

Benjamin Franklin

John Morton

George Clymer

James Smit

George Taylor

James Wilson

George Ross

Ceasar Rodney

George Lees

Thomas McKean

Willem Floyd

Philip Livingston

Franciscus Lewis

Lewis Morris

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon

Francis Hopkinson

John Hart

Abraham Clark

Josiah Bartlett

Willem Whipple

Samuel Adams

John Adams

Robert treats Paine

Elbridge Gerry

Stephen Hopkins

Willem Ellery

Roger Sherman

Samuel Huntington

Willem Williams

Olivier Wolcott

Matthew Thornton

Four defendants have pleaded guilty after reaching deals with prosecutors, but Trump and the others have pleaded not guilty. It is one of four criminal cases against Trump.

The current Republican presidential candidate lost in Georgia in 2020 to President Joe Biden by about 13,000 votes.

Last week, Greene stood proudly next to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon as he arrived at a federal prison in Connecticut to begin his four-month sentence for ignoring a congressional subpoena.

“This is a DISGRACE on our country and an affront to the principles of justice upon which it was founded,” Greene wrote on X of Bannon’s conviction. “Republican voters must fight harder than ever: this election is not over.”

House Republicans have vowed to introduce a legal document to help Bannon avoid prison time.

Greene has drawn the ire of her House colleagues in recent months for her public disagreements with Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson.

In March, Greene introduced a motion to fire Johnson. Eleven Republicans ultimately voted to advance the motion—more than the eight who voted to fire McCarthy—but

Democrats voted to kill the proposal.

Greene has spoken out strongly against the bipartisan budget bill that funded the government for fiscal year 2024, a bill that reauthorized the warrantless FISA spy tool and a foreign aid package that failed to include border security.

Johnson was the driving force behind a $95 billion foreign policy bill that recently passed with Democratic support, providing nearly $61 billion for Ukraine, along with billions for Israel and Taiwan.

He has had to rely on Democratic support, since he controls a tiny, one-vote majority in the House of Representatives. Reinforcing the fractious GOP party is a challenge.

“Excuses like ‘this is just how you govern’ and divided government are pathetic, weak, and unacceptable. Even with our razor-thin Republican majority, we could have at least secured the border,” Greene said.

Greene accused Johnson of “aiding and abetting Democrats” to “destroy our country,” as Democrats booed her and Johnson shook hands and smiled at Republicans who supported him.