Parramatta Road, Sydney: Man’s shocking excuse after he was caught at double the speed limit

An Australian motorist told police he had to use the toilet when he was caught speeding almost twice the speed limit.

The man’s white Suburu was caught by New South Wales police speeding at 111km/h in the 60km/h zone on Parramatta Road near Burwood in Sydney at 11.20pm on Friday, June 28.

When the NSW Police Force Traffic and Highway Patrol Command stopped the man, the driver told them he needed to use the toilet.

But the man’s reason wasn’t convincing enough for police, who fined him $2,764 for speeding on a clearly marked stretch of road.

The impatient driver’s license was revoked for six months.

A driver of a white Suburu told police he was driving 70 mph (pictured) in the 37 mph zone because he had to use the restroom

The man was arrested on the busy Parramatta Road in central Sydney

The man was arrested on the busy Parramatta Road in central Sydney