Malcolm Turnbull reveals on The Project of what he really thinks of Peter Dutton

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has stunned the Project panel with a scathing attack on his former coalition colleague Peter Dutton, calling him a “thug”.

Mr Turnbull left hosts of The Project speechless when he delivered a scathing verdict on the federal opposition leader on Sunday night.

When asked what kind of Prime Minister Peter Dutton would be if he won the next federal election, Turnbull gave a blunt answer.

“I think we have to think about that with fear,” Turnbull said.

This comment surprised the panel.

“Oh, really, how can that be?” asked presenter Sarah Harris.

“Don’t stop Malcolm,” said panelist Peter Helliar.

Mr Turnbull replied with a smile on his face: ‘Well, he’s a villain.’

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (pictured) appeared on The Project on Sunday

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (pictured) was met with a scathing attack from former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on The Project on Sunday

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (pictured) was met with a scathing attack from former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on The Project on Sunday

The studio audience burst into laughter when Mr Turnbull said this.

Mr Turnbull continued: ‘Peter has one tune that he’s been playing throughout his political life, and that is division and hostility, generally directed at immigrants.

‘I can’t think of anyone who would be less suited to be Prime Minister of a multicultural society like Australia.

‘There’s no point in holding back, it’s an important question and I’ve given you an honest answer.’

When asked if there was a chance he would vote Labor at the next election, Turnbull replied: ‘Well, it’s always a chance… I haven’t done it yet… there are all sorts of options.’

Earlier in the interview he was asked whether he thinks the current Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, will call early elections.

“No, I don’t think so,” said Mr Turnbull.

‘It would be very difficult to have an election between now and the end of the year, with state elections like Queensland and the redistribution of constituencies.

‘I think he (Mr Albanese) will go between March and May next year.’

Sarah Harris (pictured) interviewed former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on The Project on Sunday

Sarah Harris (pictured) interviewed former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on The Project on Sunday

When asked whether he would return to politics himself, Turnbull immediately rejected the suggestion.

“No, I’m glad I’m out of it,” he said.

‘But I really enjoyed working in politics and I would have liked to do it for a few more years.’

While Turnbull said he has “absolutely” no desire to return, he joked to presenter Sarah Harris when she pressed him: “Just to keep Dutton out of the top job?”

“Look, I’m young enough for this,” he joked.