Negative one out of zero: South Park Commons, a startup ‘different from any other’


South Park Commons was founded in 2015 by Ruchi Sanghvi (left), known as the first female engineer at Facebook. Flipkart’s co-founder Binny Bansal (right) joined the early stage venture fund as it entered Bengaluru

Ten years ago, when Aditya Agarwal was chief technology officer and vice president of engineering at San Francisco-based cloud storage company Dropbox, he happened to meet Flipkart’s co-founder Binny Bansal. What was intended to be a 45-minute meeting lasted almost three hours.

“We went deep into everything from the technology to the product that Flipkart was building,” Agarwal recalls. “It was one of those meetings where you get the feeling that there is a lot of potential in a relationship, and I joined the Flipkart board.”

Ten years later, Bansal joined the early stage venture capital fund South Park Commons,

First print: June 27, 2024 | 12:45 pm IST