Bizarre Pentagon plan to ‘reduce military’s carbon footprint’ that soldiers are furious about

Military personnel could find lab-grown meat in their ration packages as Pentagon bosses look for ways to reduce their impact on climate change.

Bioengineering company BioMADE came up with the idea after receiving $500 million in funding from the Department of Defense to reduce its carbon footprint.

But their plan to roll out ‘cell-based meat’ has left a bad taste in the mouths of veterans who have accused Pentagon bosses of treating frontline soldiers like ‘lab rats’.

“The job of the military is forward defense, alliance, solidarity and deterrence, and that’s it,” said former US Navy Seal Rob O’Neill.

‘All that other stuff is nonsense. This is a typical nonsense move from Washington DC.”

Former Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who was court-martialled for his complaints about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, said soldiers were already ‘surviving on scraps’

'Cell-based meat', grown in a lab from animal cells fed chemicals, and sold under license to the public for the first time last year

‘Cell-based meat’, grown in a lab from animal cells fed chemicals, and sold to the public for the first time last year

Military leaders have found combating climate change at the top of their agenda under the Biden presidency, which has deemed it a “national security priority.”

“It is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in 2021.

And officials see artificial meat as “one of the most direct, politically feasible and most impactful ways to do this,” according to the department’s deputy assistant secretary, Matt Spence.

The sale for consumption of lab-grown meat was only legalized last year, and veterans warned that soldiers are tired of being used for experiments with untested technology.

“There are a large number of active reserve Guard members who are still a little jaded from the COVID shot and very reluctant to be part of the new experiment,” a 22-year former Navy SEAL told the Caller.

More than 8,400 soldiers resigned rather than face a mandatory Covid-19 vaccine shot, and the military has cut its recruitment target by 10,000 this year as the armed forces grapple with the biggest recruitment crisis in decades.

The US now has its smallest military in 80 years and veterans warned that the prospect of having to eat what BioMADE calls “nutrient-dense rations” produced “via fermentation processes” is unlikely to improve the situation.

The US military has already cut its target for enlisting soldiers by 10,000 this year, as the armed forces face the biggest recruitment crisis in decades.

The US military has already cut its target for enlisting soldiers by 10,000 this year, as the armed forces face the biggest recruitment crisis in decades.

Former US Special Forces member Martin Bailey said it would be unethical to force the 'experimental meat product' on active military personnel

Former US Special Forces member Martin Bailey said it would be unethical to force the ‘experimental meat product’ on active military personnel

“I think the administration should focus on having the military protect our nation from enemies, foreign and domestic, at times, but you know, that’s what the military is for,” said Martin Bailey, a former member of the U.S. Special Forces .

‘They are not there as experimental laboratory rats.

“You know, why doesn’t the government give an experimental meat product that you don’t even know what it is, why don’t they give that to, let’s say, the homeless?”

“Well, there’s a reason why they don’t do that, because that would be completely unethical. Why then is it ethical to shove this down our soldiers’ throats?’

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who was court-martialed over his complaints about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, said the plan was symptomatic of a military with the wrong priorities.

“It appears that until the new leadership of the Department of Defense builds a winning force, service members will continue to survive on scraps,” he added.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association got in line when news of the plan broke last week, calling it “outrageous.”

“American troops deserve to get the same healthy, natural meat and not the ultra-processed, lab-grown protein cooked in a chemical-filled bioreactor,” said Vice President Ethan Lane.

“The Department of Defense spends millions of taxpayer dollars to feed our heroes like lab rats.”

Former Missouri governor and ex-Navy SEAL Eric Greitens called the idea the “height of woke nonsense.”

“The purpose of the military is to win our wars and kill our enemies,” he added.

“It’s such a stupid idea that in any right-thinking world it would be considered a joke.

“When you add this kind of woke nonsense to the Afghanistan debacle, and the policy of kicking people out of the military for refusing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, you begin to understand why the military is facing a massive recruiting crisis. ‘

But studies have identified the US military as the largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, pictured with President Joe Biden, has said climate is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, pictured with President Joe Biden, has said climate is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such.

Former Missouri governor and ex-Navy SEAL Eric Greitens called the idea the

Former Missouri governor and ex-Navy SEAL Eric Greitens called the idea the “height of woke nonsense”: “In any sane world it would be considered a joke”

The Ministry of Defense estimated its own emissions at 51 million tons of CO2 in 2021, equal to the amount Sweden produces.

A group of researchers claimed last year that the US military owes at least $106 billion in reparations to countries affected by climate change.

But O’Neill said military leaders risk forgetting America’s greatest threats.

“They’re wasting their time with nonsense,” he said.

“It’s a shame that we’re going to find out the hard way who our real enemies are because, you know, we don’t think that China, Russia and Iran are concerned about lab-grown meat.”

‘They are afraid of taking over the world. And that’s not us.’