Urgent warning to ‘brace for conflict’ this weekend as the full moon causes chaos for everyone: Here’s your star sign’s outlook

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

You may be feeling ambitious, full of energy in your career or public life, and encouraged by this full moon. However, it can also fail if turbulent emotions also come to the surface.

A woman can play a role here. Communication on social media can go two ways: either sharing too much of your personal life, or sharing just enough so that you get noticed.

The trick here is to allow the nuggets of your ideas to emerge while listening to all the parts of yourself, but not acting on everything floating through your mental landscape. Separating good ideas from ideas that don’t work can be an art form.

So be patient and think carefully about what you say and do. Family and family matters in the background can present a number of challenges.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

The world is huge, and the possibilities are endless! This is the time to think about how you fit into the bigger picture. What is your true role or position in the world? Take opportunities to expand your life through travel, education and spirituality.

However, the choice is yours to make or not; otherwise, circumstances can decide for you. You are probably about to gain new wisdom and insights.

Whether it’s actual travel or symbolic quests, there are opportunities for you with great learning experiences. Grab it with both hands if you can.

These will accelerate your personal growth with enthusiasm. Today’s life can be more than just work and responsibilities. Embrace experiences that evoke awe, excitement, and wonder.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Your communication and smart thinking can get you places. You could now have a silver tongue and lure yourself into positions where secrets and hidden things are revealed.

Investments, real estate and personal finance may also be on your agenda, although this may be due to challenges rather than financial situations you would like.

Taxes, loans and pensions may be similarly affected. On the other hand, the need for intimacy may require some decision-making. It’s easy to think or maybe even talk about your need for closeness and affection, but what do you actually do about it? You might hesitate if you want to get closer to someone, which is understandable.

Are you willing to give yourself a chance by being a little more vulnerable?

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

You may be somewhat conflicted between your emotions and a partner’s attraction. You can probably feel that this attraction encourages your independence and drives you forward into the world.

However, emotions, especially around relationships and your own autonomy, can become at odds unless you can find the balance point between your own needs and the needs of partners.

Try to find a compromise on things that aren’t very important while still sticking to your core values. Responsibility, steadfastness and reliability are the key words for you this month.

Remember not to throw out babies with the bathwater either! Legal issues or problems with ‘open enemies’ – those you don’t get along with may also surface.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Sometimes it’s hard to keep a clear head! Emotions and uninvited subconscious content can invade your brain space and disrupt logic and reason.

It’s okay… it happens to the best of us. Just allow what arises, without trying to put the kybosh on your inner world. You don’t always have to be logical.

In fact, it is precisely this approach that Western societies in general suffer from. Find the balance between your waking life, dreams and your deeper world.

Pay attention to your inner life now, because important messages are coming. Your daily work, habits and routine may be interspersed with these messages from other areas.

These are great for giving you a head start on work, health and routine. Follow what your subconscious is trying to tell you now.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

You may now be in two minds. Are you responsible, dedicated and reliable or are you loose, playful and free.

Your creative juices are probably flowing, encouraging you to socialize, have fun, and give your inner child an open pass. A little bit of both might be a good idea? Can you balance your responsibilities with your carefree and light-hearted self?

This full moon may cause a conflict between what you think you should do and how you feel. Liberation is near… find balance by choosing the middle path.

Free time and fun are calling you. You never know… you might meet someone special while you’re dancing around. Children can also be the center of attention now – yours, someone else’s and most importantly… your own inner child.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Home and family bring responsibilities and a plethora of considerations that leave you mentally tied up.

As an air sign, you like to think and have brilliant ideas about all kinds of things. However, this full moon brings your obligations closer to home into sharp focus.

However, this can be beneficial as you may feel driven to complete some difficult tasks around the house that you rarely do. You could be looking at the ugly, aesthetically unpleasant and downright disorganized mess that is often too difficult to deal with.

This time it might be different because you can achieve that by clearing out everything and putting away whatever still needs to be done… whether it’s that kitchen table full of unnecessary clutter or that old relationship that’s wearing you down. Career or public life matters are also calling you.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

You may be a little conflicted between how you feel and what is actually expected of you in a situation involving your studies, your community or perhaps in relation to a distant relative.

The responsibilities weigh heavily at this time, because you can also be quite active or busy in your environment.

It seems like there are still a lot of small chores and errands to be done. Studying, learning, marketing or promotion can also get your attention. Your intense personality may also be in the grip of the need to be reliable and get things done which can further complicate your personal life.

The mystical side of life can also play a role, leaving you feeling somewhat torn between daydreaming about a better future and what is actually happening now.

Focus on the little things first and work up to bigger problems over time.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

You might feel stronger about your personal finances. You may be trying to hold on to money or personal belongings in some way, when it might be better to let some things go.

Are you making optimal use of all your properties? Your subconscious brings up old emotions and past behavior patterns regarding money and possessions – both personal and shared with someone else.

You now become more aware of your financial patterns and what you can do about them. Your values ​​also change and other things like intimacy or the lack thereof become more important.

Ultimately, the challenges you face now will pay off in the future, so grab all the positives with both hands.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

The full moon in your zodiac sign really shows you what is important in the way you express yourself to the world. You may feel a sense of responsibility and a burden on your shoulders to always act diligently and carefully.

You know, sometimes it’s okay to rely on someone else for help! You don’t have to do everything alone.

This full moon shines a light on issues of independence versus self in important relationships. Maybe you can make a little compromise on things that aren’t that important to you, but are very important to the other person.

You can also change your appearance to better match your new identity coming up… time for an update now.

I know you may not think so yet, but the time will come when you realize that expressing your authenticity is crucial to your own well-being.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

A deep rumbling inside makes his presence felt. Not everything is as it seems and it would do you good to sit down and write down or express your true feelings on a particular issue.

You may feel overwhelmed or weighed down by responsibilities and obligations. Daily routines, habits, work or health can also add weight to your already stressed shoulders.

However, a change in routine or daily life can improve matters. So get started figuring out how to transform your daily life.

Some may consider a job change because it is very important to feel fulfilled every day. While reliability and steadfastness are important, for you, dear Aquarius, you need freedom from mediocrity.

Show your revolutionary and unpredictable side!

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You may find that responsible and reliable friends grow closer to you, while those who are more carefree and indifferent may lose their attraction.

Unexpected changes may occur within your circle of friends, groups and associations, which may cause you to form or leave a group – and that’s okay; change can be refreshing.

During this period, your appreciation for steadfast companions is likely to increase, which will influence your ambitions and cause you to reconsider your life goals in favor of more achievable aspirations rather than distant fantasies.

This can be quite a challenge, especially for your creativity or inner childish spirit, but rest assured, everything will work out in the end. You come to Earth, but you get the best of both worlds.