Trans activists hum loudly and howl like wolves to drown out speaker at NYC meeting about banning trans girls from competing in school sports

A group of trans activists appeared to disrupt a school board meeting in New York City by loudly humming and crying as attendees tried to discuss a policy that would ban transgender athletes from playing on girls’ sports teams.

The Wednesday evening meeting was held by Community Education Council District 2, Manhattan’s largest school district.

The meeting was to discuss a controversial measure passed in March that would require the city’s Department of Education to allow a public review of its transgender athlete policy.

Since the measure passed, transgender advocates have shown up at every school board meeting to protest and even discuss the possibility of moving forward with the review, which happened Wednesday night when someone with an opposing view tried to speak.

One video of the bizarre humming and crying performance by the transgender advocates — many of whom wore matching jeans and white T-shirts — showed that the woman whose voice they drowned out is Amaya Perez, a black, bisexual woman who leads the NYC chapter of Gays Against Groomers.

Trans activists in matching outfits hum loudly to drown out speakers they disagree with during a Manhattan school board meeting on Wednesday

The video was posted by Kara Dansky, a self-described “feminist Democrat who fights for the sex-based rights of women and girls,” who also described the hummers as the “cult of transgender people.”

Narrating the short clip, she says, “I’m in New York City, at a hearing to discuss a resolution calling on the city to reconsider the policy that allows male athletes to compete in women’s sports.

“A speaker is trying to speak on behalf of that resolution and this is how the cult of transgender responds. This is the cult of transgender people, New York City, June 12, 2024. So much for speech,” she concludes.

Beneath her voice, a loud, low hum echoes through the school gymnasium where the meeting is being held. The tone is periodically accentuated with the sound of someone howling like a wolf.

One of the school board members, Maud Maron, contributed to the discussion about the meeting on X, posting some of her own videos and slamming the rowdy group.

‘The creepy buzz in this video is that of a bunch of trans activists complaining with maximum hypocrisy that I wasn’t giving them my “undivided attention” as they paraded their slogans and talking points for the fourth month in a row, but refused to listen to this woman does not agree with them,” Maron wrote on a video of Amaya Perez attempting to speak during the meeting.

“The sheer cult-like bizarreness of the behavior was shocking,” she wrote, adding that she is the one who authored the March resolution, which her committee overwhelmingly passed on an 8-3 vote.

“My views on improving academics and gender ideology were well known when I was elected to my third term,” she said, implying that her concerns about this are likely shared by many parents of children in the district’s schools.

“The trans activist class, with the full support of New York’s democratically elected politicians, has gone into overdrive in response to this non-binding request for a commission. Why? Because the cult of gender ideology is very fragile.

‘If it is investigated at all, it starts to fray. So no questions can be asked. The censorship of the crowd was something to behold,” she wrote before describing the behavior of the trans activists at the rally.

“They argued and shouted down any speaker who did not pay obsequious tribute to their gender cult religion, forcing the council to suspend public speaking for a while.”

The activists have reportedly taken over every school board meeting since a measure was passed in March that would have required the city to allow a public review of its transgender athletes policy.

The activists have reportedly taken over every school board meeting since a measure was passed in March that would have required the city to allow a public review of its transgender athletes policy.

Amaya Perez, a black, bisexual representative of Gays Against Groomers, was drowned out at the meeting when she tried to speak on behalf of the controversial measure.

Amaya Perez, a black, bisexual representative of Gays Against Groomers, was drowned out at the meeting when she tried to speak on behalf of the controversial measure.

At the meeting in late March, when the controversial measure was first passed, some parents spoke out against the resolution.

Jared Danker, a gay father and Department of Education employee who has a child in a District 2 school, said the measure would “marginalize and discriminate against a group of students who need our affirmation and support,” according to the New York Post .

New York City Council member Erik Bottcher also condemned the effort as “completely shocking,” “regressive” and “harmful.”

“We are outraged that you are considering a resolution targeting transgender girls and sports,” he said.

The aim of the controversial measure – resolution 248 – is to revise the Ministry of Education’s guidelines and add space for parental involvement in key decision-making processes.

District 2 parents who support the resolution are seeking transparency when it comes to policies that impact their school-age children. Many say it is unclear to them how the original guidelines came about.