Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland strikes again as she ‘disrespects’ Korean actress YoonA by blocking her red carpet photos

The Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland has come under fire again for ‘disparaging’ Korean actress Yoona by blocking her red carpet photos.

The 33-year-old K-pop star turned actress was preparing to pose for photos on the iconic red stairs when she was stopped by the security guard.

It came just days after the same security guard was verbally abused by Rowland on the red carpet, which Destiny’s Child said was due to racism, while the staffer’s colleagues insisted she was ‘just doing her job’.

Now, fans have found another video showing YoonA getting the same treatment.

Although the actress did not express her anger outwardly, her facial expression looked visibly irritated and uncomfortable as she was rushed down the stairs by the female employee.

The Cannes security guard who clashed with Kelly Rowland has come under fire again for ‘disrespecting’ Korean actress Yoona by blocking her red carpet photos

It came just days after the same security guard was verbally abused by Rowland on the red carpet, which Destiny's Child said was due to racism, while the staffer's colleagues insisted she was 'just doing her job'.

It came just days after the same security guard was verbally abused by Rowland on the red carpet, which Destiny’s Child said was due to racism, while the staffer’s colleagues insisted she was ‘just doing her job’.

Elsewhere, a Ukrainian model was thrown out by the same guard but fought with the worker to get back on the stairs.

Fans have shared the clips from the Cannes Film Festival on social media, criticizing the employees’ behavior and labeling it as ‘disrespectful’.

Massiel Taveras also clashed with the female security guard who confronted Kelly days earlier.

The Dominican actress was on the red carpet on Saturday afternoon, rolling out a huge dress with an image of Jesus on it, but seemed surprised when she was stopped by the security guard.

Footage of the altercation showed Tavera ignoring instructions and throwing the train of her dress down the stairs, before the situation escalated and the actress shoved the female security guard as she walked into the event.

In the video of the confrontation with Taveras, the actress appeared to be planning to unravel her massive train down the stairs, but was quickly stopped by the female security guard who extended her arm.

While other staffers helped lay down the dress as Taveras waved to fans, she became angry when the security guard posed her arm in front of her.

The two exchanged a few words on the red carpet as staff pulled the train up the stairs, before Taveras took the end of another guard’s dress and threw it to the ground in frustration.

The female guard kept her arm close to Taveras as she guided her up the stairs, although it is unclear what caused the guard to follow her so closely.

The 33-year-old K-pop star turned actress was preparing to pose for photos on the iconic red stairs when she was stopped by the security guard

The 33-year-old K-pop star turned actress was preparing to pose for photos on the iconic red stairs when she was stopped by the security guard

Elsewhere, a Ukrainian model was thrown out by the same guard but fought with the worker to get back on the stairs

Elsewhere, a Ukrainian model was thrown out by the same guard but fought with the worker to get back on the stairs

It comes after Dominican actress Massiel Taveras pushed a security guard onto the Cannes red carpet on Saturday after they clashed over her big dress

It comes after Dominican actress Massiel Taveras pushed a security guard onto the Cannes red carpet on Saturday after they clashed over her big dress

Taveras tried to roll out a Jesus-themed dress on the red carpet, but had trouble untangling it and became irate with the staff

Taveras tried to roll out a Jesus-themed dress on the red carpet, but had trouble untangling it and became irate with the staff

As she reached the top of the stairs, Taveras – who had previously been crowned Miss Dominican Republic and competed in Miss Universe – struggled to unfurl the train of her dress.

This prompted her to curse at the guard when she tried to intervene, throwing her arms up in frustration.

After the dress was finally untied, Taveras waved to her fans, but the female security guard held her arm over the actress and appeared to push her towards the entrance.

The move prompted an angry response from Taveras as she pushed the guard away, before raising her finger and glaring at her.

It’s unclear why Taveras was confronted by the security guard, three days after the staffer also raised eyebrows with her altercation with Rowland.

The singer expressed shock at her treatment on the red carpet and pointed to racism as the reason she was targeted.

She suggested that “there were other women who visited that carpet who didn’t look exactly like me, and they weren’t yelled at or pushed away or told to get off.”

However, colleagues of the security guard in the center of the Cannes spotlight urged that she acted appropriately and was ‘just doing her job’.

β€œShe was an usher who worked under a lot of pressure to keep people moving on the carpet to keep the crowds from building up,” said a veteran of the festival staff who has worked at the resort every May for 20 years.

β€œThere was no pushing, shoving or swearing,” he said. ‘Safety and safety are the priorities, along with adhering to strict timescales set out in contracts – even celebrities have to adhere to the rules.

‘There are many ushers involved and they always act professionally and politely.

“In this case, the messenger was certainly only doing her job, she did nothing wrong.”

The singer expressed shock at her treatment on the red carpet and pointed to racism as the reason she was targeted

The singer expressed shock at her treatment on the red carpet and pointed to racism as the reason she was targeted

However, colleagues of the security guard in the center of the Cannes spotlight urged that she acted appropriately and was 'just doing her job'.

However, colleagues of the security guard in the center of the Cannes spotlight urged that she acted appropriately and was ‘just doing her job’.

The usher has not been publicly identified, but it is known that she is a local Frenchwoman with a short-term contract with the week-long festival.

The source added: ‘Suggestions of racism are absolutely ridiculous – attendees, and even staff at Cannes, come from all backgrounds, and none are discriminated against.’

After footage of Rowland berating the staffer went viral, a lip-reading expert revealed what Kelly actually said during the heated interaction with the French woman.

Jacqui Press told MailOnline that after the guard appeared to step on her dress, she apologized and Kelly said: ‘It’s OK.’

However, the guard then said something else, which caused Kelly’s mood swing, as she replied, “Don’t talk to me like that.”

As the guard continued to lead her up the stairs, Kelly turned and repeated the phrase several times.