Minnesota unfurls new state flag atop the capitol for the first time Saturday

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Minnesota officially unfurled its new state flag atop its capital for the first time on Saturday.

The new flag and accompanying state seal were adopted to replace an old design that Native Americans said reminded them of painful memories of conquest and displacement.

The new symbols eliminate an old state seal depicting a Native American riding into the sunset as a white settler plows his field with a rifle at the ready. The seal was an important feature of the old flag. Therefore, there was pressure to change both.

Officials chose none of the most popular designs submitted online with options like a diver — the state bird — with lasers for eyes.

Instead, the new design adopted in December has a dark blue shape that resembles Minnesota on the left, with a white, eight-pointed North Star on top. On the right is a light blue field that, for those involved in the selection process, symbolizes the bountiful waters that help define the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

The new state seal shows a diver amidst wild rice.