Netflix Movie of the Day: Baby Driver is an incredible action movie with a stunning soundtrack and a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes

The conceit behind it Baby driver – a getaway driver uses his iPod playlists to drown out his tinnitus, providing the soundtrack to his car chases – is very clever and works incredibly well: the film sounds as good as it looks, and it looks great. If you’re in the mood for an action-packed event with spectacular stunt work, effective CGI and plenty of thrills and spills, this is a five-star experience – and it’s on Netflix.

Ansel Elgort is the Baby of the title, and even though he’s tired of life, he has no choice but to take another job from criminal Doc, played by Kevin Spacey. As you might expect, things quickly go off the rails – otherwise it wouldn’t really be a movie – and the result was somewhat described as “as much fun as you’ll have at a movie theater this year.” And now you can experience the same fun from the comfort of your own home.

Is Baby Driver worth streaming?