Right whale is found entangled off New England in a devastating year for the vanishing species

PORTLAND, Maine — A North Atlantic right whale has been spotted entangled in a rope off the coast of New England, further worsening an already devastating year for the disappearing animals, federal authorities said.

Whales number fewer than 360 and are vulnerable to entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with ships. The entangled whale was spotted about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Rhode Island’s Block Island on Wednesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

The whale has rope on both sides of its mouth and is far from shore, making it difficult for rescuers to help, NOAA said in a statement.

“Given the long distance from shore, experts were unable to safely travel to the whale’s last known location during the day to attempt a rescue,” the statement said. “NOAA Fisheries and our partners will monitor this whale and, if possible, attempt to respond to the entanglement, weather and safety conditions permitting.”

Several whales have died this year near Georgia and Massachusetts, and environmental groups fear the species is in danger of extinction. The animal’s population declined by about 25% between 2010 and 2010.

A whale found dead off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, in January showed signs of injury from entanglement in fishing gear. Environmental groups have called for stricter rules to protect the whales from entanglement in fishing gear. However, a federal budget package passed in late 2022 included a six-year pause on new federal whaling regulations.

“This is yet another example of the fact that there are complications happening in American waters,” said Gib Brogan, campaign director at environmental group Oceana. “We need stronger protection against entanglements in U.S. waters.”

The whales were once numerous off the east coast, but they were decimated during the era of commercial whaling and slowly recovered. They have been federally protected for decades.

They migrate each year from calving grounds off the coast of Florida and Georgia to feeding grounds off the coast of New England and Canada. The journey has become dangerous in recent years as their food sources appear to move as the water warms. That change is causing the whales to stray from protected areas in the ocean and become vulnerable to entanglements and collisions, scientists say.