Could Tesla be about to make his own silicon? Even Elon Musk isn’t sure, but let’s wait and see if he wants to take on Samsung and TSMC

While tech giants like Samsung and TSMC currently dominate the silicon landscape, Elon Musk has hinted that Tesla could potentially make its own chips in the future – and while the idea remains tentative, it’s certainly not outside the realm of possibility.

Tesla spends a fortune on silicon. The Dojo ExaPod supercomputer has a whopping 1.1 exaflops of computing power intended for training machine learning models for Tesla’s self-driving technology. Musk said in February 2024 that the company will spend “over a billion dollars” on Nvidia and AMD hardware this year just to stay competitive in AI. Making its own AI chips would be impossible for Tesla, but it could be done possible produces chips for its cars.