Married at First Sight 2024: Jono makes shocking claims about why Lauren actually cried during Sunday night’s wild dinner party after walking in with Ellie Dix: ‘She’s a good little actor’

Married at First Sight contestant Jono McCullough shocked his TV bride Lauren Dunn and viewers when he walked hand-in-hand with fellow contestant Ellie Dix into Sunday night’s Dinner Party following their texting scandal.

A visually distressed Lauren, 32, burst into tears as the other contestants continually commented on how hurt she seemed, and how ‘slimy’ and ‘smug’ Jono was about his new romance with the busty cosmetic injector.

Jono appeared on Bronte & Lakey for Breakfast in Queensland on Monday morning and claimed the real reason Lauren got upset had nothing to do with him – it was because of Jayden Eynaud.

‘Lauren was angry last night, but it wasn’t about Ellie and me. “Jayden really tore her up because of how badly she treated me during the experiment,” he claimed.

‘And then she got really upset and said to Sara, ‘Everyone hates me’.’

Married at First Sight 2024: Jono made shocking claims about why Lauren really cried during Sunday night’s wild dinner during radio appearance on Monday

Jono further revealed that Lauren knew about his texting scandal with Ellie before it came up during the final commitment ceremony.

“Tori told her that morning, ‘I’m going to bring this up, by the way,’ so she knew that the whole time,” he said.

“When she cried on the couch, I felt terrible… she’s a good little actor, Lauren, she’s very smart too.”

The groom shocked both his TV bride Lauren and viewers when he walked hand-in-hand with fellow contestant Ellie Dix into Sunday night's Dinner Party following their texting scandal.

The groom shocked both his TV bride Lauren and viewers when he walked hand-in-hand with fellow contestant Ellie Dix into Sunday night’s Dinner Party following their texting scandal.

Jono appeared on Bronte & Lakey for Breakfast in Queensland on Monday and claimed the real reason Lauren became upset had nothing to do with him, but because of Jayden Eynaud.

Jono appeared on Bronte & Lakey for Breakfast in Queensland on Monday and claimed the real reason Lauren got upset had nothing to do with him, but because of Jayden Eynaud.

The 40-year-old also claimed that he was always candid during the series, but the producers opted for a different portrayal.

“I was always quite outspoken, but I think because Lauren said I was a boring robot in the beginning, they just found footage that kind of fit that,” he said.

“When it was time for them (the editors) to make me look evil, they even let me talk a little,” he added.

'Lauren was angry last night, but it wasn't about Ellie and me.  Jayden even tore shreds through her because of how badly she treated me during the experiment,” he claimed.

‘Lauren was angry last night, but it wasn’t about Ellie and me. “Jayden really tore her up because of how badly she treated me during the experiment,” he claimed.