Why companies need to control SaaS spending

As macroeconomic headwinds continue due to budget cuts in many UK businesses, it is clear that the pressure on businesses to save money is here to stay. But organizations should be wary of the temptation to reduce investment in data technology and analytics because they risk losing a crucial competitive advantage. As data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) become increasingly important, nearly half of companies (44%) plan to implement data modernization efforts by 2024, according to PwC. More than half of organizations therefore cannot afford to turn their backs on technologies that can deliver important business benefits, such as improved customer experiences and improved product innovations.

In the coming year, the organizations that will be most effective at navigating the economic landscape will be those focused on managing spend and increasing efficiency to drive better business results. According to IDC, the world is producing more data than ever, as much as 181 zettabytes of data per year by 2025 or the capacity of 45 trillion data DVDs. Particularly with the rise of generative AI, data will continue to be a key differentiator for those looking to benefit from AI: the more diverse and comprehensive the data, the better AI can perform. If companies want to remain competitive, harnessing the power of data insights, along with effective cost management and planning, must be top of mind for business leaders.

James Hall

UK Country Manager, Snowflake.

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