Woke NYC councilwoman who backs defunding cops is blasted by constituent who was attacked on subway
An awake NYC councilor who stands behind the police has been shot by one of her constituents who suffered a horrific subway attack after lawmakers insisted such attacks were “one in a million.”
Tiffany Caban, a Democrat who represents Queens, was condemned by 33-year-old mother of five Elizabeth Gomes over a tweet that read: ‘Subway violence is a one-in-a-million event.
“As a believer in a nonviolent New York, I still think that’s one too many, but let’s not be deterred by fear mongering politicians and corporate media into thinking we have a dangerous, scary public transportation system.”
She sent the tweet after the September 20 attack on Caban, in which killer Waheed Foster was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
He was on parole at the time for beating his grandmother to death, with his release and the attack on Gomes leading to a new condemnation of New York’s soft-touch laws.
Caban, who represents Queen’s 22nd precinct, even added a link to a chart she says proved her point. But the number of attacks on the city’s public transit system is up nine percent so far this month compared to last year, with 182 for the 28 days ended Sept. 25, according to statistics from the NYPD.
The rest of the year the picture is even bleaker.
Official statistics show that the number of attacks has increased by 43.3 percent so far in 2022 – and currently stands at 1,670 for the year so far, compared to a much lower figure of 1,165 for the same period of 2021.
NYC Democratic Counselor Tiffany Caban Sparked Outrage With This Tweet Downplaying Subway Violence – With Recent Victim Condemning Her Words
Elizabeth Gomes, 33, a mother of five from Far Rockaway, was brutally beaten in the early morning hours of September 20 while taking the subway to work at JFK Airport.
NYC City Councilman Tiffany Cabán took to Twitter Monday, declaring: ‘Subway violence is a one-in-a-million event’
And Gomes was unimpressed by Caban’s tweet, telling the New York Post: ‘The subway system is dangerous and for her to post something like that – it seems to me she doesn’t travel on the subway or have anyone riding it. She doesn’t really understand what it is.
“It just gets worse and worse.”
She added: “People are scared. People are being robbed. People are being shot. People are being molested.’
Against Caban’s call to punish the police, Gomes added: “We need protection. That’s what we’re looking for.
“That’s what people are looking for.”
Elizabeth Gomes, 33, was brutally assaulted by 41-year-old Waheed Foster on September 20. released on parole and who had beaten his grandmother to death, according to police, the New York Post reported.
Foster repeatedly punched and kicked Gomez in the face and dragged her across the Howard Beach-JFK Airport station around 5:15 a.m. while traveling on the A train on her way to work at Kennedy Airport, where she works as a security guard.
Gomes was viciously attacked at a Queens tube station after ignoring the attacker on the train
The NYPD first posted the news and video of the violent attack that went viral on Reddit.
Caban’s wake comment came days later, but she shelp nothing about the attack or arrest of Foster.
It remains unclear whether her tweet was a reference to the attack that Gomes suffered, but the victim is furious anyway.
On Thursday, a jury in Queens indicted Foster for attempted murder and assault.
Gomes, of Far Rockaway, said the violence in the subways has spiraled out of control since the pandemic.
Cabán is a proponent of police brutality and calls himself a ‘believer in a nonviolent NYC’
The horrifying footage shows Gomes being chased as she got off the subway
The victim’s husband told the news channel that Foster yelled about Satan, saying that while his wife tried to avoid him, he went after her
A man (pictured in red sweatshirt) who tried to intervene and help the woman eventually ran away because he himself was terrified