Research into the risks and benefits of password managers

Passwords, one of the earliest forms of online security, are crucial to securing accounts, applications, devices, and data. Despite the various challenges they pose, they are unlikely to become obsolete any time soon. The main problem with passwords is their number and frequency of use. Because people need to access different websites and apps every day, people often have to remember more than dozens of passwords, leading to password fatigue.

To overcome these challenges, password managers have proven to be a viable solution. These software applications create complex passwords and store them in an encrypted database that can be accessed through a single master password. Some of the leading password managers come in different forms and are standalone applications, while others are integrated with operating systems or are browser-based. In the Bitwarden Password Decisions 2023 Surveywas recognized by 84% of respondents as the solution for managing passwords at work.

The dual sides of password managers