Strength Training vs. Cardio: Crafting Your Ideal Fitness Routine

You always look forward to a fun workout. Strength training or cardio makes a workout more fun.  

For some, the exhilarating feeling of pushing through a challenging cardio session, whether a high-energy dance class or a scenic run outdoors, brings immense satisfaction. 

Others find joy in the energetic sensation of lifting weights, setting new personal records, and feeling the burn in their muscles during strength training sessions. 

But the question comes which workout is better? Let us help you clear your confusion on Strength training vs Cardio to create an ideal fitness routine. 

Understanding Strength Training

Strength training is the special workouts to make them stronger and more toned. 

You can do this by lifting weights using stretchy bands or your own body. The main goal is to make your muscles stronger to keep them going for a long time. Imagine it’s like a secret training program for your muscles!

When you do strength training, you lift weights to make specific muscles stronger. You can use gym machines that have weight on it. Besides, you can use free weight to workout as well. Deadlifts work on your back and legs to make them super powerful. And then there are push-ups, a classic move using just your body to build upper body strength.

The cool thing about strength training is that it helps you to help your bones and joints work better. It’s like preparing your body for any challenge that comes your way. 

So, when you hear about strength training, remember it’s like giving your muscles a secret workout to make them strong and ready for anything!

Exploring Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, or “cardio,” is like a superhero workout for your heart and body.

When you exercise cardio, you strengthen your heart and help pump blood more efficiently throughout your body. It helps to burn more calories to help you be fit and healthy. 

The main goal of cardio workouts is to get your heart beating faster. Moreover, there are many ways to choose what you enjoy the most.  

Running is a classic way to get your heart pumping, whether sprinting outside or using a treadmill indoors. Cycling on a stationary bike or riding out is another fantastic option to increase your heart rate.

And if you like dancing, aerobic dance is a fun and social way to do cardio while grooving to music. It’s not just about moving; it’s about having a good time too!

The fantastic thing about doing cardio regularly is that it’s not only good for fitness. So, when you hear about cardio, remember it’s like giving your heart and body a superpower boost for a healthier and happier you!

What is the main difference between cardio and strength training activities?

AspectCardiovascular ExerciseStrength Training
Focus of ActivityIncreases heart rate and enduranceBuilds and tones muscles through resistance
Primary GoalEnhance cardiovascular health, calorie burningIncrease muscle strength, endurance, and mass
Examples of ExercisesRunning, cycling, swimming, aerobic danceWeightlifting, squats, deadlifts, push-ups
Impact on HeartStrengthens heart muscle for efficient pumpingDoes not specifically target heart endurance
Equipment UsedMinimal – can be done with little to no equipmentRequires weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight
Effect on JointsLow-impact options available, like swimmingImpact on joints, especially with heavy weights
Benefits Beyond FitnessReduces risk of chronic diseases, mental health improvementsPromotes better bone density, joint health

Should I start my workout with cardio or strength?

The order in which you perform cardio and strength training depends on your fitness goals and personal preferences. Here are some considerations:

  • Goal Orientation:

If your primary goal is building muscle and increasing strength, start with strength training. This ensures that your muscles are fresh and can exert maximum effort.

Starting with cardio might be preferable if your goal focuses on improving cardiovascular health, endurance, or burning calories for weight loss.

  • Personal Preference:

Consider what you enjoy more. If you find one type of exercise more enjoyable, starting with that might make your workout more satisfying.

  • Energy Levels:

Assess your energy levels throughout the day. Some people find they have more energy for strength training earlier in the day and prefer cardio later, or vice versa.

  • Combination Workouts:

You can also incorporate both strength training and cardio in the same session. This can be done through circuit training or alternating between strength and cardio days.

The ideal fitness routine involves a balanced combination of both for your specific goals and preferences. You should listen to your body and stay consistent to create an enjoyable fitness routine.


If you like strength training or cardio depends on what you enjoy and what makes you feel good. Strength training is like sending your muscles to a superhero camp, making them strong and ready for anything. On the other hand, cardio is a workout for your heart that helps to keep you strong and energetic.

You can choose to do one or both – it’s like having different flavours of ice cream. Mixing them up can be fun and keep you active. The important thing is to find what you like and what will fit into your schedule. 

Remember, being active and having fun with your exercises. So, whether you’re lifting weights or dancing around, just keep moving and enjoy feeling awesome!