Now that Apple has killed the Apple Car, can I please have an Apple Television?

Let’s pour one out for the Apple Car fans. The few hopefuls who saved a down payment for 2025, then 2026, then 2030 and beyond. The analysts who asked on every earnings call: when is the Apple Car coming? It never happens, we’ve learned that. The Apple Car has been killed, the team has been moved to other projects. Now that we’re done with the Apple Car, I hope Apple gets back to a more important project: making the Apple Television set.

Feel free to moan. I groan. I groaned when someone mentioned the stupid Apple Car. I groaned when I saw horrible CGI models of a vaunted Apple vehicle of the future. I groaned at the rumors that Apple might buy Tesla. I moaned and groaned, and now there’s no Apple Car, so obviously moaning works.

Apple Car concept image

(Image credit:

We can be thankful there’s no Apple Car now that we’ve seen the Apple Vision Pro. I don’t need a car that shows my eyes like headlights, or a 15-pound steering wheel strapped to my face. A car that costs seven times as much as the next best car.