Biden’s dog Commander left White House floors covered with BLOOD after mauling one Secret Service agent and inflicted ‘severe deep open wound’ on another as attacks on 24 staffers are laid bare

One of the attacks by President Biden’s dog left a “severe, deep open wound” on a Secret Service agent, while another dog left the White House floors covered in blood as details of the First Puppy were revealed.

The president’s beloved German Shepherd commander bit Secret Service agents in at least 24 incidents, new documents show.

Perhaps most shocking is an attack that left the East Wing floors of the White House so bloodied that tours had to be halted for 20 minutes. according to documents published by journalist John Greenewald.

The commander is said to have bitten a Secret Service agent ‘in the Kennedy Garden’, near First Lady Jill Biden’s office.

‘Video of the incident shows (the officer) entering the Kennedy garden while the commander, who was not on a leash at the time and was on the other side of the garden, runs towards (the officer) at high speed and ) jumps at (the officer). the officer) and take (them) to the ground,” said the report, which was obtained by Greenewald through a Freedom of Information Act request.

President Biden’s beloved German Shepherd commander (pictured) bit Secret Service agents in at least 24 incidents, new documents show

One of the attacks by President Biden's dog commander left a

One of the attacks by President Biden’s dog commander left a “severe, deep open wound” on a Secret Service agent, while another left the White House floors covered in blood as details of the First Pup’s attacks were revealed.

The attack left the officer requiring stitches to repair the “deep bite” the dog left on their left arm.

“East Wing Tours was shut down for approximately 20 minutes as blood from the incident was on the floors near the (lobby connecting the East Wing to the White House),” the report continues.

Another incident highlighted in the documents is the July 29 attack, which occurred just days after the commander’s news and caused unrest among White House staffers.

The dog attacked an officer while Biden was vacationing at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware.

“(The officer) heard the voice of what (they) think was FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden is, shouting ‘(redacted quote).’ The commander ran toward the post (redacted) cabin and bit (the officer) in the left forearm, causing a severe, deep open wound,” the statement said.

That Secret Service member began losing “a significant amount of blood” from his arm before receiving six stitches to his left hand and forearm, in addition to antibiotics, according to the report, with one email suggesting they even went to the hospital gone. therapy.

At least one of the attacks occurred in the presence of and while the agent was assisting President Biden, according to the documents, which detail a bite on Oct. 2, 2022.

“I was bitten/grabbed on the left forearm by the Commander as he held the door open for the President as he entered the White House near the iconic West Wing Colonnade,” the report said.

The commander is said to have bitten a Secret Service agent 'in the Kennedy Garden', near First Lady Jill Biden's office

The commander is said to have bitten a Secret Service agent ‘in the Kennedy Garden’, near First Lady Jill Biden’s office

Perhaps most shocking is an attack that left the East Wing floors of the White House so bloodied that tours had to be halted for 20 minutes

Perhaps most shocking is an attack that left the East Wing floors of the White House so bloodied that tours had to be halted for 20 minutes

They added that the commander came in and turned the circle, took his left arm and said that the dog was at the same level as them.

The president said something that was redacted from the record when he came in shortly afterwards.

A White House medical staffer assessed the bite and confirmed that the skin was not damaged, although the Secret Service agent still found it disturbing.

‘I was shocked that the incident happened. After this, I became concerned that (commander) would leave the residence or go out without a leash for the safety of others and my own,” they said.

The White House puppy has been removed from the home and is now said to be with friends of the Bidens in Delaware.

But a new report from CNN reveals that the Secret Service had to change their activities when the commander was around.

A source close to the Biden family told that the president and first lady are “heartbroken” and “feeling terrible” about the incidents.

They apologized to those involved and brought flowers for some.

Commander is one of three German Shepherds who lived with the Bidens during Joe's tenure

Commander is one of three German Shepherds who lived with the Bidens during Joe’s tenure

“The commander was overprotective, and even though they tried to work on it, they had to let him live with other members of their family,” the source added.

The incidents took place at the White House and the Biden family homes in Rehoboth Beach and Wilmington, Delaware.

Commander was also involved in a confrontation during Biden’s Thanksgiving holiday in Nantucket and during a trip to Camp David.

Members of the Secret Services uniformed detail and the President’s protective detail were involved.

According to the data first published by Groenwald.

A Secret Service technician said in October 2022 that he was “concerned about the pets’ escalating behavior and that … something worse might happen to others.”

“The recent dog bites have challenged us to adjust our operational tactics when the commander is present – ​​please give plenty of space,” an assistant special agent in charge of the USSS Presidential Protective Division wrote to team members, the report said. report.

The commander was removed from the White House in October after a series of biting incidents.

He arrived as a puppy in 2021 and struggled to adjust to the daily hustle and bustle of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That year, the Bidens lost two other German Shepherds.

Three-year-old Major was also sent away after biting two people in a month and Champ, who had been at Biden’s side since he was vice president, died at the age of 13.

The White House has defended the pets and blamed the stressful environment for their behavior.

Elizabeth Alexander, a spokesperson for Jill Biden, told “The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work in the White House and those who protect them every day.

‘Despite extra dog training, leashing, working with veterinarians and consultation with animal behavior experts, the environment in the White House simply proved to be too much for Commander. He has been living with other family members since the fall.

In October, published exclusive photos of the commander biting a White House staffer.

The staff member, Dale Haney, 71, is not part of Biden’s security team and was simply playing with the dog.

At the time, White House sources claimed that Commander was targeting members of the president’s security detail for their “unfriendly expressions.”

The White House puppy has been removed from the home and is now said to be with friends of the Bidens in Delaware

The White House puppy has been removed from the home and is now said to be with friends of the Bidens in Delaware

A photo obtained exclusively by shows Commander biting another White House staffer last month

A photo obtained exclusively by shows Commander biting another White House staffer last month

It was reported as the eleventh known biting incident of the two-year-old German Shepherd.

Now even more have emerged.

The commander’s most serious attack occurred in November 2022, when an officer was hospitalized after the animal clamped down on their arms and thighs.

Emails obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request show that the incident was one of 10 that occurred over a four-month period.

It happened just a month after staff warned of the danger of an attack after First Lady Jill Biden “couldn’t regain control of the animal” when it attacked a member of the Secret Service staff.

A Secret Service spokesperson told ‘The US Secret Service takes the safety and well-being of our employees very seriously and has studied for many presidential administrations how to best operate in a pet-inclusive environment.

“The incidents involving the commander were treated as workplace injuries, with the events documented in accordance with Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security guidelines.

“While Secret Service personnel do not treat or care for the first family’s pets, we are continually working with all applicable entities to minimize adverse effects from pets.”