ChatGPT is broken again and it’s even creepier than usual – but OpenAI says there’s nothing to worry about

OpenAI was in the spotlight this week with its incredibly impressive Sora text to video toolbut it appears that the allure of AI-generated video has led to the popular chatbot being sidelined, and it is now spiraling out of control.

Yes, ChatGPT has gone mad – or, more accurately, has briefly gone mad for a brief period sometime in the last 48 hours. Users have reported a large number of confusing and even threatening responses from the bot; Some saw it getting stuck in a loop of repetitive nonsensical text, while others were subjected to made-up words and strange monologues in broken Spanish. One user even stated that when asked about an encryption issue, ChatGPT responded with a puzzling statement that ended with the claim that it was “in the room” with them.