Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day! On this day when we celebrate love and relationships, the cosmos offers perfect heavenly gifts.

With passionate, sexy Mars converging with naughty, hidden Pluto, by being mindful of other people’s deepest desires, we can find ways to show appreciation and make our relationships even more special.

So even though Lent begins today, we should enjoy pleasures and not deny them.


March 21 – April 20

There is something satisfying about planting a seed and watching it germinate and grow. But it requires care. And patience. And a seed! No one, no matter how green, can produce anything from nothing. Which brings us to your current search. In an ideal world, you would click your fingers and conjure up an ideal solution to your problem. Still, more time must pass. There is no ‘instant solution’. On Valentine’s Day, your ruler’s link with Pluto initiates a transformation. You will achieve the desired result faster than you think.

Make Valentine’s Day special! Visit cainer.com for valuable advice on love and relationships

Oscar Cainer (pictured) says that on this day when we celebrate love and relationships, the cosmos offers perfect heavenly gifts


April 21 – May 21

Sometimes ridiculous things happen for sensible reasons. We may panic trying to figure out how we managed to put ourselves in a crazy position, but when we made the original decision to pursue a certain course, we did so with the best intentions. And often, no matter how unlikely and unexpected the situation we face, it is completely justified. Just because you feel bewildered doesn’t mean you made a mistake. If you accept what is unfolding, you will find it perfect.

Make this Valentine’s Day special in a time of heavenly creativity. Visit cainer.com for inspiring news


May 22 – June 22

Should we spend our time cleaning the kitchen, paying bills, and remembering people’s birthdays? Although these activities provide us with a certain degree of satisfaction, we cannot judge ourselves on our ability to perform these tasks. Much more important is the attitude we have and share. This Valentine’s Day, be as kind-hearted and positive as you can. Ultimately, these are the qualities that make life satisfying. And since you have them in abundance, be generous with them. You’ll love what you get in return.

There is love in the air! Visit cainer.com for valuable insight and news about your emotional life


June 23 – July 23

Some people have natural leadership qualities. Other people like to be followers. You don’t quite fit into either category. You don’t like being told what to do. But if you know you can be helpful, you’ll happily roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done. And when you invest in someone (or something), you encourage others. That means you lead and follow at the same time! What role should you play on Valentine’s Day? Follow both your heart and your head. If you lead by example, you will get a great result.

Use the power of the Valentine’s Stars. Maximize your relationship potential. Visit cainer.com


July 24 – August 23

Horses and carriages used to be the fastest way to get from A to B. Then came cars. The sound of their engines was so terrifying that horses were fitted with turn signals to prevent them from running in the wrong direction in panic. People tend to blink sometimes. When we think something troubling lies ahead, we try not to look at it. If you open your eyes to the possibilities before you, you will see an opportunity that will take you in a different (more positive) direction today.

The cosmic climate of Valentine’s Day is inspiring. Use it to transform an important relationship. Visit cainer.com


August 24 – September 23

A challenge for you: can you laugh (and keep smiling) despite the difficult situation you are facing? Can you stay positive despite the frustrations? Can you stay focused and enthusiastic despite the obstacles that keep popping up? Life has not been going smoothly for a while now. No wonder you’re wondering if you should go ahead with your plan. Still, today’s Mars/Pluto link brings a sign that your efforts have been worthwhile. And that your idea is worth fighting for. Valentine’s Day brings useful news and support.

Make Valentine’s Day special. There’s exciting news in your in-depth predictions on cainer.com


September 24 – October 23

People are good at criticizing. We don’t find it easy to follow the excellent advice that suggests you should “walk a mile in someone’s shoes before judging someone.” Instead of thinking about how a person feels and the circumstances he or she is facing, we jump to conclusions based on how we think we would do things differently. On Valentine’s Day, when Mars and Pluto converge, you are encouraged to open your eyes to new possibilities. When you stop judging yourself (and others), you make an exciting discovery.

Fulfill your relationship dreams! Renew your romantic outlook on Valentine’s Day. Visit cainer.com


October 24 – November 22

Relaxed. Look in my eyes. And concentrate on the soft tone of my voice. You feel sleepy and fall under my spell. Actually… don’t do that! In fact, let no one exercise his power over you today. As Mars joins your ruler, Pluto, if anyone has the ability to hypnotize, it’s you! But on Valentine’s Day, you don’t need access to those kinds of powers. You can use your perceptiveness and insight to influence people so that you are treated with the respect you deserve. Being true to yourself and being honest will create magic.

What does Valentine’s Day promise? Visit cainer.com for inspiring news about what lies ahead

With passionate, sexy Mars (pictured) converging with naughty, hidden Pluto, by being mindful of others' deepest desires, we can find ways to show appreciation and make our relationships even more special.

With passionate, sexy Mars (pictured) converging with naughty, hidden Pluto, by being mindful of others’ deepest desires, we can find ways to show appreciation and make our relationships even more special.


November 23 – December 21

Even people who don’t seem to have much power and influence can make someone’s dream come true. We always have the opportunity to help people. There is always something we can share. It can be as simple as saying words of encouragement. Or give someone a helping hand on a busy road. But why bother when we all have our own unmet needs? Because there is something about being generous that is reciprocal. When we give, we receive. Be as generous as you can be today. You will see it.

Make your dreams come true on Valentine’s Day. Visit cainer.com for great news about love


December 22 – January 20

Living an ‘easy life’ may sound idyllic. But the reality is that if your life went on as normal, without peaks and valleys, you would be bored senseless. You need a challenge. You like drama. You just prefer it if it doesn’t take you too far out of your comfort zone. Ideally, you would be able to adjust the number of challenges in your world, just like you adjust the TV volume. Up a bit today. Tomorrow a little lower. With Mars and Pluto coming together this Valentine’s Day, that’s exactly the kind of power the cosmos gives you.

To make your heart sing this Valentine’s Day, check out your love predictions at cainer.com


January 21 – February 19

Who’s in charge? Who is in control? We tend to think that they are the CEOs of multinational companies. Or politicians. Or bankers. But their powers are limited. Despite the conspiracy theories, they don’t run the show. The most important person in charge of your life is of course the person reading this. And on Valentine’s Day, when Mars and Pluto meet in your zodiac sign, you have enough leverage to be able to make a choice that affects your life in a dramatic, exciting way. Don’t wait any longer for someone else to take action. It’s your time.

What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? View your extended predictions at cainer.com


February 20 – March 20

You know what you want to focus on. But with so many demands on your time, you find it difficult to focus on your own needs. It’s frustrating. And not that nice. But the problems you face are short-lived. It won’t stay that way for long. In fact, the tables are starting to turn. You are about to receive a cosmic helping hand that will help you move forward. With Mars and Pluto connected, you will now see signs of a change in power dynamics that will remind you of your strengths.

Make the most of the starry sky this Valentine’s Day. Visit cainer.com