Actor Michael Rapaport appears in new video campaign demanding the immediate release of the 134 hostages who remain stranded in Gaza ‘being raped and tortured by Hamas terrorist scumbags’

Actor Michael Rapaport has made an impassioned plea in a recently released ‘Super Bowl ad’ to draw attention to the 134 hostages still stranded in Gaza.

The commercial, released to coincide with the Super Bowl although not actually aired on TV, officially launched the website for

The new site allows people to contact local government representatives to help raise the fate of the hostages held by Hamas terrorists after the October 7 attack.

In the video, Rapaport introduces himself and does deep breathing exercises while attempting a tree pose, while running water and chimes can be heard in the background, as if he’s promoting a new wellness product.

‘This is the new Michael Rapaport. is truly life changing. Has it changed my life?’ he asks. But within seconds, his zen-like attitude becomes explosive.

“Well, f***, no, but you know whose lives it could change for the 136 hostages still being raped and tortured in Gaza right now by Hamas terrorist bastards!” he said.

The commercial, released to coincide with the Super Bowl, although not actually aired on TV, officially launched the website for

Rapaport becomes emotional as he speaks of the hostages being held in captivity, as posters of the abductees hang in the background

Rapaport becomes emotional as he speaks of the hostages being held in captivity, as posters of the abductees hang in the background

The actor urged the public to join in and contact their local representatives and demand the release of the hostages.  Since the start of the campaign, 150,000 letters have been sent to local officials

The actor urged the public to join in and contact their local representatives and demand the release of the hostages. Since the start of the campaign, 150,000 letters have been sent to local officials

Since the start of the campaign, 150,000 letters have been sent to local officials.

Rapaport says in the video, “With you can automatically contact your local representatives and demand the release of all hostages now!” It’s a real damn app.’

‘It won’t just change lives…it will save lives…so use the app – don’t use the app – I don’t care***, but call your reps…do it now – do it during a touchdown – do it at halftime… a tree pose… an armadillo pose… I don’t care***… Now let’s just take them home. it is a real app… try it…’

And just when you think Rapaport is done talking, he reappears and asks, “Did you do it?”

The video features several of the hostages’ families, including Romy Cohen, who spoke exclusively to

Romy’s 19-year-old twin brother Nimrod Cohen, a soldier in the IDF and one of the 134 hostages, was taken hostage by the terrorist group on October 7.

As twins, the pair have an especially close bond.

She and her parents learned that Nimrod had been kidnapped from a video released by Hamas. She said that since his capture, every day has been painful for her and her family because they had no evidence of life.

She shared her fears and urged others to take action now as time is running out.

‘It’s been too long, more than a hundred days and now 4 months. We know they have no food. They are kept underground in tunnels with no oxygen and no sunlight,” she said in part.

‘I don’t even know if he’s still alive, because we don’t know. They don’t have time, every day we hear about more hostages being killed in captivity, and I don’t know who will be next.”

“I don’t know if it will be my brother or one of the other hostages.”

Early Monday, the Israeli military said it had rescued two male hostages from captivity in the Gaza Strip – more than four months after they were abducted from Kibbutz Nir Yizhak on October 7.

The two men were rescued from a residential building in the border town of Rafah during a raid that left at least seven people dead.

The military identified the two men, both Argentinian-Israelis, as Fernando Simon Marman, 60, and Louis Har, 70. Both were said to be in good medical condition.

Romy said hearing of the hostages’ release was “good news” and made them feel a little more “hopeful.”

“We just woke up in the morning and saw the news, and of course that gave me a lot of hope,” she explained.

Romy Cohen, 19, has prayed for the release of her twin brother who is being held hostage by Hamas

Nimrod Cohen, 19, a soldier in the Israeli army when captured on October 7

Romy was one of the hostage families featured in the video

Nimrod Cohen, 19, a soldier in the IDF who was kidnapped on October 7.  His twin sister Romy prays that her brother or sister is still alive

Nimrod Cohen, 19, a soldier in the IDF who was kidnapped on October 7. His twin sister Romy prays that her brother or sister is still alive

Romy said she and her twin brother Nimrod share an unbreakable bond

Romy said she and her twin brother Nimrod share an unbreakable bond

Just when you think Rapaport is done talking, he reappears and asks,

Just when you think Rapaport is done talking, he reappears and asks, “Did you do it?”

‘Knowing that it is possible, seeing those people, knowing what they have been through and knowing that it can end well.

But the uncertainty was almost unbearable.

“I hope it will end like this for everyone, and that we won’t get 134 coffins because we’re very afraid it will happen. It has been too long.’

She urged them to go to and contact their local representatives.

Desperate to have her family back together, she asked the audience to join in.

“Reach out to your representatives, and anyone who has the power to do something, even if it’s just raising awareness and posting about whatever, can really help,” she said.