‘Come and get me, the tank is very close’: Tragic last words of missing girl, 6, who called for aid in her family car after her parents were killed in Gaza as Palestinian media blame IDF

  • Hind Rajab was trapped in a car with the dead bodies of six family members
  • The paramedics who tried to save her are also missing

Terrifying audio footage has been released of a missing six-year-old girl in Gaza making a desperate phone call from her family car after her relatives were murdered.

Hind Rajab and the paramedics who tried to save her are missing after the child was trapped in a car with the dead bodies of six family members.

Her mother’s uncle Basar Hamada, his wife Anam and their four children were killed after their black Kia Picanto came under fire on January 29, 2024. Hind was the only survivor.

During a telephone conversation with the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS), she explained that her family had been killed by gunfire. She said: “I’m telling you they’re dead,” later adding: “The tank is next to me… it’s coming towards me. … It’s very, very close.”

According to the TelegraphHind’s family had tried to flee south of their neighborhood after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) ordered an evacuation.

The car is believed to have entered a petrol station for safety after encountering Israeli tanks and coming under fire.

Hind Rajab (pictured) has not been seen since he was trapped in a car with the dead bodies of six family members

During a telephone conversation with the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) on January 29, Hind explained that her family had been killed by gunfire.

During a telephone conversation with the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) on January 29, Hind explained that her family had been killed by gunfire.

Israel says it is not aware of the incident and the IDF told the Washington Post that it was “not aware of the incident described.”

Hind’s cousin Layan, 15, was in the car with her and was the first person PRCS contacted.

She can be heard shouting on an audio recording translated into English by the PCRS: “They are shooting at us. The tank is next to me.’

The call handler is heard asking Layan if she is hiding, before there is a loud sound of gunshots and the phone goes dead.

When the handler called back, Hind answered and begged PRCS coordinator Rana Alfaqeh to “come get me.”

Ms Alfaqeh asked if Hind had tried to wake her family, to which Hind replied: “I’m telling you they are dead.”

The distressed girl told the PCRS staff that she was afraid of the dark and begged them to save her while she was on the phone with them for three hours.

The dispatchers managed to connect the Hind’s phone call to her mother, who was sheltering elsewhere in Gaza City. She told her, “I miss you mom.”

Paramedics lost contact with their colleagues after arriving at the car around 6pm, having been dispatched by ambulance.

The organization has now posted a series of pleas for information about the ambulance workers and Hind.

The distressed girl told the PCRS staff that she was afraid of the dark and begged them to save her while she was on the phone with them for three hours.

The distressed girl told the PCRS staff that she was afraid of the dark and begged them to save her while she was on the phone with them for three hours.

Layan had earlier called her uncle – who lived in Frankfurt, Germany – from the car to say they had been hit and that her parents and siblings were dead.

She told family member Mohammed Salem Hamada that she was bleeding and that Hind was the only survivor, he in turn called the aid agency.

The PRCS located the car near Al-Azhar University and waited for IDF permission for the ambulance to enter a closed military zone.

Three hours after receiving the call, dispatchers said they had received permission to send paramedics to Hind, with cards from Israeli authorities.

Dispatch said there was “heavy gunfire” when they approached the vehicle at 6 p.m.

Hind’s mother told Al Jazeera that one of the last things Hind said to her was: ‘Don’t leave me, mom. I’m hungry. I’m hurt.’

The PRCS urged the international community to put pressure on the IDF to account for what happened.