At UN, Russia brings US election into Mideast attacks and US vows to respond to Iran-aligned groups

UNITED NATIONS — Russia accused the United States on Monday of aggression against Iraq and Syria aimed at maintaining its global dominance and saving the Biden administration’s “image” ahead of the US elections. The US responded that its military response to unwarranted attacks by Iranian-backed proxies against US forces is not only legal but will continue.

The exchange took place during a controversial UN Security Council meeting convened by Russia, Syria’s closest ally, where both countries also said they did not want an escalation and spillover of the war between Israel and Hamas. Many council members expressed fears of growing conflict in the Middle East and urged de-escalation and stepping up peace efforts.

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia accused the US of violating international law and continuing to “sow chaos and destruction in the Middle East.”

He said violence by the United States and its allies has escalated from the Palestinian territories to Lebanon, the Red Sea and Yemen and is “undoing international efforts to restore peace in the Middle East.” He called on all countries “to unequivocally condemn these senseless acts that violate the sovereignty of Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic.”

The Russian ambassador claimed that the United States is trying to “flex its muscles… to justify and save the image of the current US administration… in light of the upcoming presidential election campaign.” And he claimed that the Americans were taking military action in an effort “to maintain their dominant position in the world at all costs.”

U.S. Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood countered that the United States has an absolute right to self-defense against attacks on U.S. forces and that the actions it took were “necessary and proportionate.”

He told the council that since Oct. 18, Iran-affiliated militias have attacked U.S. and coalition forces more than 165 times in Iraq and Syria, including a drone strike on a Jordanian facility housing U.S. troops fighting Islamic State extremists on 28 January. killed three U.S. military members and injured many more.

The US responded on February 2 with 85 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, which both countries said resulted in civilian deaths, injuries and property destruction. They condemned the attacks as violations of their sovereignty – as their ambassadors did again during Monday’s council meeting.

Wood emphasized that the United States does not want more conflict in a region where it is “actively working to manage and de-escalate the conflict in Gaza.”

“And we are not looking for direct conflict with Iran,” Wood said. “But we will continue to defend our personnel against unacceptable attacks. Point.”

He accused Iran of failing to “contain its extremist allies.”

The United States is calling on the 14 other council members, especially those with direct channels to Iran, “to put pressure on Iranian leaders to rein in their militias and stop these attacks,” Wood said. “They should also put pressure on the Syrian regime to stop giving Iran a platform to destabilize the region.”

Iranian UN Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani countered that “all resistance groups in the region are independent,” saying they have legitimate rights to end the “illegal” US presence in Iraq and Syria, the killings in to stop Gaza and end the Israeli occupation of Gaza. Palestinian territories.

“Therefore, any attempt to attribute these actions to Iran or its forces is misleading, baseless and unacceptable,” Iranvani told the council, adding that Iran has never attempted to contribute to a spillover of the conflict, has no military presence in Iraq and, at the invitation of the government, has military advisors in Syria to fight terrorism.

He rejected claims that Iranian bases in Iraq and Syria had been attacked, calling the accusations “baseless” and attempts “to divert attention from aggressive US actions.”

UN political head Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the council, urging all parties to heed Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call “to step back from the brink and take into account the unbearable human and economic costs of a potential regional conflict.”

She reiterated his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and action to advance a political roadmap to peace in the region.

China’s U.N. Ambassador Zhang Jun, a Russian ally, reiterated concerns about escalating tensions and actions, pointing the finger at the United States.

“The US claims it is not trying to create conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else, but in reality it is doing the exact opposite,” Zhang said. “The US military actions will undoubtedly cause new unrest in this region and further increase tensions.”

Algeria’s U.N. Ambassador Amar Bendjama, the Arab representative on the council, defended the sovereignty of Iraq and Syria and also said the U.S. airstrikes “are likely to further worsen the already precarious situation.”

“It could potentially lead to further escalation,” he warned, urging restraint and de-escalation. “We are convinced that violence is not and never will be the means to peace and stability,” Bendjama said.