Cops ask a driver if he’s had any drugs and alcohol – and his response will ‘blow’ you away’

A man accidentally handed over a bag of cocaine to police after being stopped for a roadside breath test.

Officers found a resealable bag containing white powder on the back of the man’s driver’s license in Mulgrave in Sydney’s far northwest on Monday.

When the Traffic and Highway Police Command asked the driver what was in the bag, he quickly admitted it was cocaine.

The driver, who was in a white Mazda, had his cocaine seized and was issued a drug charge before officers continued with their breath test.

A driver accidentally handed over a bag of cocaine during a roadside breath test near Sydney

The officer who seized the 0.36 gram bag claimed that he ‘felt an object stuck in the rear before asking the driver for an explanation.

“The driver stated that he had consumed the drug during the New Year’s celebration and forgot that he had it in his wallet,” the officer said.

“The driver stated he had not used the drug since.”

The subsequent drug test showed that the man was sober, but he was still handed over a notice that will appear before the Windsor Local Court later in March.

The Traffic and Highway Police Command called the incident a “valuable wake-up call” for the driver.

“Illegal drug use will always have negative consequences that can happen when you least expect it,” the report said.

A Traffic and Highway Patrol Command asked for the driver's license and the pocket was stuck to the back of it (photo shown)

A Traffic and Highway Patrol Command asked for the driver’s license and the pocket was stuck to the back of it (photo shown)

NSW Police shared photos of the bag online, along with the bizarre story of how they ended up with it, and commentators were quick to make a mockery of it.

“They handed over the bag so they can test the bag to see if it hasn’t been torn out,” one man wrote.

“It was just being kind and sharing,” another added.

“Do you have any drugs or alcohol?” and he hands them the bag like they asked for it,” said a third.