Married At First Sight 2024: Viewers brand protective cousin Jordan a ‘pest’ after he relentlessly grills groom Ben at reception

Lovely nurse Ellie walked down the aisle with guide Ben on Wednesday’s episode of Married At First Sight, but an overprotective cousin cast some doubt on the apparently happy union.

At the reception after the show, cousin Jordan Ben spoke about his work, lifestyle and intentions, admitting to producers that he could see “red flags” and “bad juju.”

Jordan also accused Ben of being on the show solely to become famous and promote his podcast.

MAFS fans took to social media platform

“This cousin is a PEST,” one user wrote, while another wrote: “Hey Jordan…..where were you when Ellie’s last partner was around??”

Lovely nurse Ellie walked down the aisle with guide Ben on Wednesday’s episode of Married At First Sight, but an overprotective cousin cast some doubt on the apparently happy union. Pictured: cousin Jordan

At the reception after the show, cousin Jordan Ben spoke about his work, lifestyle and intentions, admitting to producers that he could see

At the reception after the show, cousin Jordan Ben spoke about his work, lifestyle and intentions, admitting to producers that he could see “red flags” and “bad juju.” Jordan also accused Ben of being on the show solely to become famous and promote his podcast

“TBH I don’t think Jordan is completely wrong in assessing Ben’s motives, but those motives are the same for almost all of the participants,” another added.

‘Ellie’s cousin: I think maybe he’s just here for the fame. NEWSFLASH, BUD. It’s #MAFS. They are all here for fame,” wrote another.

Elsewhere, a user turned the accusation of ulterior motives back on Jordan.

“So Jordan is only on MAFS as the protective cousin, and not because of any fame himself? Yeah okay,” they wrote.

Married At First Sight 2024 Viewers brand protective cousin Jordan

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MAFS fans took to social media platform

MAFS fans took to social media platform

Meanwhile, others had nicer things to say about Ellie’s cousin’s meddling.

“There’s nothing more powerful at a wedding than the gay cousin,” one MAFS fan wrote.

“Oh, the judgmental gay family member who will add DRAMA to the wedding and make the whole event about him,” wrote another.

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Meanwhile, others had nicer things to say about Jordan's interference

Meanwhile, others had nicer things to say about Jordan’s interference

“As annoying as Jordan was when he targeted Ben, I actually think he has valid concerns!” someone else commented.

Other users joked about Jordan following Ben and Ellie to their honeymoon.

One user posted a gif of a girl climbing into a suitcase and wrote next to it: “Jordan packing for Ellie and Ben’s honeymoon.”

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Other users joked about Jordan following Ben and Ellie to their honeymoon

Other users joked about Jordan following Ben and Ellie to their honeymoon

Similarly, another user posted a gif of a man listening through a wall through a glass and wrote, “Did Jordan go with Ben & Ellie? Is he staying in the next room?’

Despite receiving some criticism online, Jordan’s intense questioning yielded some surprising confessions from Ben.

Jordan soon discovered that Ben had already applied to MAFS several times.

Despite receiving some criticism online, Jordan's intense interrogation still yielded some surprising confessions from Ben (pictured).  Jordan soon discovered that Ben had already applied to MAFS several times and had been contacted about doing another dating show

Despite receiving some criticism online, Jordan’s intense interrogation still yielded some surprising confessions from Ben (pictured). Jordan soon discovered that Ben had already applied to MAFS several times and had been contacted about doing another dating show

Ben then confessed that he had been contacted about doing another dating show.

After these admissions, Jordan finally snapped and said, “I’m going to be completely honest with you. I’m afraid you might be here to promote your touring business, to promote your podcast; you’re just here for the fame.’

Rather than getting defensive, Ben admitted that fame would be a “silver lining” to the experience, but emphasized that he was also interested in finding love.

Jordan later spoke to Ellie privately and told her that he suspected Ben had joined the show to promote his podcast.