How do you perform CPR? A must-read guide to saving someone’s life as shock poll shows 40% of adults don’t know what to do

Millions of Britons do not know how to perform CPR, a charity has warned, urging more people to learn the skill that could be the ‘difference between life and death’.

According to a poll by the British Heart Foundation, only 43 percent of people know how to give chest compressions to someone who has had a cardiac arrest.

More than 30,000 cardiac arrests occur every year, in which the heart suddenly stops pumping blood through the body.

Dr. Charmaine Griffiths, chief executive of the BHF, said: ‘Every moment matters when someone goes into cardiac arrest.

‘Being able to intervene and perform CPR can be the difference between life and death.

If the person is not breathing or not breathing normally, call 999 and ask someone to find a defibrillator

To initiate chest compressions, kneel next to the victim and place the heel of one hand on the center of his chest.  Place the other hand on top of the first and interlace your fingers

To initiate chest compressions, kneel next to the victim and place the heel of one hand on the center of his chest. Place the other hand on top of the first and interlace your fingers

Cardiac arrest happens when there is an electrical problem in the heart, interrupting a normal heartbeat.  It is different from a heart attack, which occurs when one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked and cuts off blood flow to the heart.  However, a heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest happens when there is an electrical problem in the heart, interrupting a normal heartbeat. It is different from a heart attack, which occurs when one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked, cutting off blood flow to the heart. However, a heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest

‘Cardiac arrest can affect anyone at any time, so we want as many people as possible to learn CPR.’

The survey of 2,002 people over the age of 16, carried out by Censuswide, found that nine in 10 people understood the importance of knowing CPR.

However, only 40 percent could select the correct first step of the process.

Gen Z (ages 12 to 26) was likely to be better educated, with 67 percent knowing how to perform CPR.

The BHF has urged people to make use of it RevivR online toolwhich takes just 15 minutes and teaches people how to recognize signs of cardiac arrest and perform CPR.

“Not enough of us are confident and willing to use this skill,” Dr Griffiths added.

‘With our RevivR tool, all you need is 15 minutes of free time, a phone and a pillow to learn how to save a life. Give it a try during your next coffee or lunch break; it could help you save a life, a loved one.”

Although it is sometimes mistaken for a heart attack, cardiac arrest is different.

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart muscle is cut off, often due to a clot. The heart continues to pump blood and a person will usually be conscious.

Cardiac arrest occurs when a person’s heart stops pumping blood around the body and normal breathing stops. Patients collapse and are unconscious, unresponsive and not breathing properly or not breathing at all.

Step 1

If an adult appears unconscious, gently shake their shoulders and ask loudly if they are okay.

Step 2

If the person is not breathing or not breathing normally, ask someone to call 999 and find a public defibrillator (PAD).

Call 999 yourself if no one is around. Call handlers will provide instructions on how to perform CPR.

Step 3

Start with chest compressions.

Kneel next to the victim and place the heel of one hand on the center of his chest. Place the other hand on top of the first and interlace your fingers.

Keep your arms straight and use the heel of your hand to press down firmly between the breastbone (about 2 to 2 inches) and release.

Keep your arms straight and press firmly between the breastbone - about 5 to 6 cm - with the heel of your hand and release.  Do this at a rate of 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute, about two per second

Keep your arms straight and use the heel of your hand to press down firmly between the breastbone (about 2 to 2 inches) and release. Do this at a rate of 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute – about two per second

Do this at a rate of 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute – about two per second.

Songs like Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor and Wannabe by the Spice Girls all have 100 to 120 beats per minute, so doctors recommend thinking of these songs while performing CPR.

Step 4

Continue chest compressions until 999 teams arrive on scene and take over, or the person regains consciousness – by coughing, opening their eyes, speaking normally or breathing.

If someone is around, this can be done taking turns.

Step 5

If a defibrillator is found, turn it on and follow the instructions.

The machine detects whether a shock is required. Some gadgets will deliver a shock without any warning, while others will advise whether a shock needs to be administered to deliver the shock.

Rescue breaths

While administering chest compressions, give rescue breaths if you feel comfortable doing so.

The British Heart Foundation says CPR without mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is still very effective at keeping the heart beating.

To deliver rescue breaths, gently tilt the person’s head back and lift the chin with two fingers.

Pinch their nose. Close your mouth over theirs and blow hard for a second. Do this twice.

Then pump the chest for 30 seconds before giving two more rescue breaths.

How to perform CPR on babies and children

The method of performing life-saving resuscitation on infants and children is different from that for adults.

How to perform CPR on babies under one year old

1. Turn the child on his back, open the mouth and tilt the head back

2. Cover their mouth and nose with your mouth and exhale firmly until their chest rises. Give five of these rescue breaths.

3. Place two fingers in the center of the child’s chest and press down about 4 cm. Repeat this 30 times, allowing the chest to rise again before pushing it back down.

4. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths. Repeat until emergency help arrives or the child shows signs of consciousness, such as breathing, moving, or opening the eyes.

How to perform CPR on a child from one to 18 years old

1. Turn the child on his back, open the mouth and tilt the head back

2. Pinch their nose, close their mouth with yours, and exhale firmly until their chest rises. Give five of these rescue breaths.

3. Place one hand in the center of the child’s chest and press it down about a third. Repeat this 30 times, allowing the chest to rise again before pushing it back down.

4. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths. Repeat until emergency help arrives or the child shows signs of consciousness, such as breathing, moving, or opening the eyes.

Source: British Heart Foundation