Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR): What It Is & How To Improve It

Organic Click through rate is a metric that shows a percentage of people who have clicked on your website link from different search engine results pages including Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo etc. 

For example, assume that a page appears 200 times in search engine results, but it is only clicked 10 times. The. Your organic click through rate is 200 divided by 10, that is 5%. Search engine rankings are heavily influenced by organic Click through Rates. Many search engines like Bing and Google depend on organic Click through rates to understand the relevance and quality of the content published on the internet. A higher CTR can have a positive effect and can result in your page ranking higher on search engines. 

Importance of CTR

CTR is one of the most important metrics. And you wouldn’t want to ignore this. Click through rates are a great way to know what’s working and what’s not. Higher CTR shows that a large number of people have visited your website. 

What are the factors that affect organic CTR?

There are a number of factors that play a crucial role in click through rates. It is not right to say that user behavior is the only thing that influences CTRs. Some other influencing factors are

  • Mobile optimization
  • Site speed
  • Content quality
  • Content relevance
  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • User intent
  • Current CTR
  • Trust and authority 

Many digital marketers consider CTR to be the top most metric.  Because it is a great metric to understand your customers better. A higher click through rate indicates that you are targeting the right audience. Similarly, a low click through rate indicates that you are after the wrong audience. A low click through rate means you have failed to convince your audience to click your links to the website. 

Ways to improve Organic click through rate

Organic click through rates can be improved. All you need is a strategy that aligns with your page and is more likely to work. Below are some of the ways you can improve your organic CTR. 

Testing your title tags through A/B Testing

A/B Testing your title tags is a great way to understand which one works better. Here different kinds of title tags are created to see which one provides the best results. You can try with different words, formats etc to see which ones work better for you. Hubspot and Google optimize are two effective tools you can choose for this purpose.

Content optimization

The quality of the content you post matters a lot. Content should not only be high in quality but it should also be relevant and should make users click your links. For this you need to make sure that the content you post solves the users query and offers helpful solutions to their issues. If your content is poor in quality the CTR will also decline. 

Mobile optimization

The number of people that use mobile phones to access different search engines and websites are increasing day by day. This is one of the main reasons why you should consider optimizing your websites to be mobile friendly. A good design is the one that can ensure that all listings can be loaded quickly and can support different sizes too. 

Using a strategy to place keywords

No one needs an explanation on the importance of keywords. A strategically placed keyword can make all the difference for your marketing and business. While adding keywords to your title and descriptions, you shouldn’t place it forcefully. 

It is highly recommended to always use a mix of both long and short keywords. 

Keep an eye on Google analytics reports

Google analytics reports can give you a clear picture about your current performance. This can be used to improve your landing page conversion rates and also improve organic click through rates.

Monitoring and making adjustments

SEO is dynamic in nature and it keeps on changing. If you want to improve CTRs you need to be updated about the changes in both algorithms of search engines and behavior of users. This is vital to ensure the long term success of your click through rates. 

Clicksyou Media for Organic CTR

Organic CTR is a metric that can be improved effectively using different strategies. Planning and implementing this strategy require expert advice. That’s why you should consider hiring a digital marketing agency for this purpose.  If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency or service to improve your organic click through rates, the ClicksYou Media is the right choice for you. Clicksyou media can help you plan and execute a proper strategy to skyrocket your Organic CTR. 


Improving your CTR is really important for the success of your digital marketing campaigns. There are a lot of digital marketing services in the market that offer services to conversion optimization service. The above mentioned are only a few strategies that can help you level up your organic click through rates.