The new weekly home of WWE Raw will be available exclusively on Netflix

After 31 years on television, World Wrestling Entertainment Raw‘s career as a TV champion is coming to an end, but only so can his streaming reign begin. WWE has signed a new deal with Netflix that will make the streaming service the exclusive home of WWE’s flagship series, Raw, in the United States. The deal was announced on Tuesday and will also move many of the other WWE series to Netflix, especially outside the United States.

“This deal is transformational,” said Mark Shapiro, president and COO of TKO, in a statement WWE announcement. “It combines the unmissable WWE product with Netflix’s extraordinary global reach and creates significant and predictable economics for many years to come. Our partnership fundamentally changes and strengthens the media landscape, dramatically expanding WWE’s reach and bringing weekly live events to Netflix.”

The appointment is reportedly for approximately $5 billion over 10 years, nearly double what WWE’s previous deal with NBC Universal and Peacock was worth nearly five years ago. This marks a huge investment from Netflix in the sports world. something Netflix has been trying to break into lately, and also creates a strong niche of extremely passionate fans outside of the major US sports leagues. The deal makes no mention of Netflix getting rights to WWE’s other weekly shows, such as NXT And Smackdown in the United States, so those shows will likely find other homes.

Netflix will broadcast live WWE Raw events every week from January 2025.