Here’s what a 10,000 TB capacity ceramic cartridge looks like: A system that can store data for more than 5,000 years moves closer to commercialization as a working archival data rack readies for launch in 2024

In today’s digital age, companies and individuals generate and collect more data than ever before. However, the cost and relatively short lifespan of existing storage methods pose significant concerns. Enter Cerabytea startup that offers a cheap, highly resilient solution with a virtually unlimited lifespan: ceramic nanolayers.

Cerabyte likens its data storage method to the ancient Egyptians’ practice of chiseling hieroglyphs into rocks and while there is still some way to go before the technology is widely available, the company has already turned its initial proof of concept into a fully operational terabyte- terminal device. -to-end demo system, using only commercial off-the-shelf components.