Bizarre footage shows several UFOs hovering above Philadelphia in a cluster as two craft are seen ‘merging together’ – days after Miami ’10ft alien’ sighting incident forced police to respond to conspiracy claims

Mysterious footage shows a group of UFOs flying over Philadelphia, with two of the craft even strangely merging together.

A witness uploaded the bizarre video of the sighting to Reddit and described the large group of lights as “twisting and shooting back and forth.”

The user said the multi-colored lights flew “very high” over Philadelphia.

The footage of the unusual sighting was very shaky, which the witness said was because their wife could not stop the car, making the mysterious objects unclear.

Another Reddit user joked, “Next time you see UFOs in the sky, please politely tell your wife to STOP the damn car!”

Mysterious footage shows a group of UFOs flying over Philadelphia – with two of the craft even strangely merging together

A witness uploaded the bizarre video of the sighting to Reddit, describing the large cluster of lights as

A witness uploaded the bizarre video of the sighting to Reddit, describing the large cluster of lights as “twisting and shooting back and forth.”

The user said the multi-colored lights flew

The user said the multi-colored lights flew “very high” over Philadelphia

Despite the shaky footage, the cluster of strange lights could clearly be seen floating among the bright blue sky at midday.

The Pennsylvania sighting comes amid a wave of UFO sightings across the country, and in the midst of a series of congressional hearings on what the government knows about aliens.

On New Year’s Day, conspiracy theorists claimed there was an alien in a Miami mall.

Creepy footage of Miami police’s response to a New Year’s Day incident appeared to show an alien creature floating around.

It was widely shared by conspiracy theorists on social media who claimed that a 10-foot-tall silhouette walking near police cars came from another planet.

One user claimed that a “glowing figure” was seen walking through smoke during the chaotic scene.

Shocking recently released UFO images revealed a ‘jellyfish’ craft not visible to the naked eye – which was reportedly buried by the intelligence community.

Leaked US military footage of a mysterious flying object was revealed by expert Jeremy Corbell.

Two different angles of the plane show the mysterious entity as it flies over the land and water of a military base.

The UFO can only be seen on a thermal camera and the object switches between black and white, indicating a change in temperature from warm to cold.

Corbell revealed that troops were ordered to ‘go hunting’ in 2018.

UFO sightings are also reported internationally. Hikers in Brazil have managed to obtain a video of two creatures they claim are aliens.

Eyewitness Sara Dalete from Brasília saw the bizarre figures while she was in Ilha do Mel with her family.

Images of the elongated, 3-meter-high figures have gone viral on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.

The mysterious figures stood on a hilltop where Dalete said “it was not possible to reach the top.”

They both moved their arms quickly, but remained standing on the hilltop for the entire video.

This is the first suspected sighting of aliens in Ilha do Mel in the history of Brazil.

The New York Times in 2020, the Pentagon’s ongoing UFO unit was exposed – where officials continue to study mysterious interactions between UFOs and military pilots.

Following the groundbreaking revelation, a House Oversight subcommittee held a hearing on UFOs in July 2023.

Three former military officials told Congress during the hearing that the government knows much more about UFOs than they have told the public.

During the hearing, a former intelligence officer suggested that people were killed by the US government as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs secret during a hearing held by Congress.

David Grusch – a former high-ranking intelligence official – is one of three military whistleblowers who have testified under oath that they had firsthand encounters or knowledge of secret government programs involving “non-human” technology.

He claimed that the US has possessed and secretly manipulated UFOs since “the 1930s” and waged a public disinformation campaign to prevent the details from leaking publicly.

At one point during the first hearing of its kind, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) asked Grusch, “Have you personally heard that anyone has been murdered?” Grausch said, “I have to be careful in answering that question. I have referred people with that knowledge to the right authorities.’

Members of the House Oversight Committee will undergo a classified briefing this week on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs.

The secret meeting, shrouded in mystery, underlines growing interest among lawmakers on both sides of the spectrum, who are demanding more government transparency on the alien front.

The briefing, scheduled for Tuesday morning in the Office of House Security, will be led by Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Thomas A. Monheim.