Commuters discover how to get through new $700,000 NYC subway turnstiles WITHOUT paying a fee as MTA attempts to crackdown on fare-beating

Commuters demonstrate how to get through brand new subway turnstiles for free in Queens, New York, after the MTA installed new gates in an effort to crack down on fare cuts.

Byron Sterling posted video hacking last week he revealed it took nothing more than waving his hand over a turnstile sensor on the other side of the Sutphin Boulevard-Archer Avenue station.

Sterling then revealed two more hacks in one second videoand managed to get two more people through the open doors in one go due to the length of time they stayed open.

The machines were installed at the station on December 4 in an effort to improve fare-gouging prevention.

The installation cost about $700,000, but other commuters are already working on the hacks and also passing by the new machine for free.

TikToker Byron Sterling posted two videos to TikTok last week covering the new turnstile machines installed at the Sutphin Boulevard-Archer Avenue station in Queens

The $700,000 installation was installed at the Queens station on December 4 as a way to hopefully improve fare-gouging prevention

The $700,000 installation was installed at the Queens station on December 4 as a way to hopefully improve fare-gouging prevention

Sterling’s first hack to get past the all-new gates was to walk up to the panels, place his hand over a sensor on another machine, and walk through the open doors.

The social media user did this while no one was looking and was just a few feet away from six police officers.

His second and third hacks involved arms and the panels he ran into.

Sterling placed his right arm over the green exit sign causing them to open automatically without spending any money.

The third hack was similar to the second, and a seemingly shocked man and woman snuck past the panels while no one was looking.

Police officers stood right behind Sterling as he carried out his second and third hacks on video.

Sterling placed his right arm over the green exit sign which automatically opened the panels without spending any money

The third hack was similar to the second, and a seemingly shocked man and woman snuck past the panels while no one was looking.

Sterling placed his right arm over the green exit sign which automatically opened the panels without spending any money. The third hack was similar to the second, and a seemingly shocked man and woman snuck past the panels while no one was looking

Commuters discover how to get through new 700000 NYC subway

1705012705 778 Commuters discover how to get through new 700000 NYC subway

1705012708 5 Commuters discover how to get through new 700000 NYC subway

Social media users have thanked Sterling for the hacks, while others brought up how he's saving money and how the new turnstiles are being installed

Social media users have thanked Sterling for the hacks, while others brought up how he’s saving money and how the new turnstiles are being installed

TikTok users are loving the hacks Sterling has posted and have thanked him for the “cheat code.”

One user criticized officials for purchasing new turnstiles despite the dangers on the subway platforms.

Interestingly, almost zero commentary in the second video is about the police who were right behind Sterling in the videos.