I want to ‘fire’ one of my bridesmaids because she’ll be pregnant at my wedding and it’s stressing me out

A bride-to-be wants to 'fire' one of her bridesmaids who announced her intention to become pregnant before the wedding.

The bridesmaid explained that she and her partner of six months want to get pregnant, get engaged, get married and have the baby within a year.

The bride shared the details on Reddit, saying she felt confused and totally wanted to invite her friend to the wedding since she will be 38 to 40 weeks pregnant.

“With all the things she says she has planned, I can tell this isn't all going to work out and just the thought of it is stressing me out,” the bride wrote.

The bridesmaid asked if getting pregnant early will be an issue at the wedding, and the bride was hesitant to respond (stock image)

The bridesmaid asked if getting pregnant early would be an issue at the wedding, and the bride was hesitant to respond.

“It completely surprised me as she is not married and had been with her boyfriend for barely 6 months at the time,” she wrote.

She then explains to me that her boyfriend is planning to get her pregnant and begins to describe a grand plan where they will get pregnant, get engaged, get married and then have a baby (in that order) all in under a year.'

The bride explained that her initial concern was the “timelines” and the “rush” over her plans.

By the time the wedding takes place, the bridesmaid will be between 38 and 40 weeks pregnant, so the bride feels she should not attend the wedding at all.

“The initial shock of the conversation led me to finally reply, 'Let's just see what happens,' because I wouldn't like to damage our friendship over things that haven't happened yet,” she continued.

“It's been a few weeks now and she's brought it up again saying her pregnancy will change what she wears and how she acts on the bachelorette trip, and she's talking about her wedding four months after mine.

'I love my girlfriend dearly and I would never ask anyone to interrupt their life for the sake of my wedding, but I'm starting to feel like I have to ask her to step down.

'It all makes me regret asking her to the wedding because I don't feel like she can support me in the way I need her to. Am I the asshole if I ask her to resign?'

The bridesmaid explained that she and her partner of six months want to get pregnant, get engaged, get married and have the baby within a year (stock image)

The bridesmaid explained that she and her partner of six months want to get pregnant, get engaged, get married and have the baby within a year (stock image)

Redditors joined the conversation and shared their advice on the topic.

“Why don't you see if she actually gets pregnant before you ask her to resign? For all you know it could take months and not be a problem,” one person suggested.

'I was a bridesmaid ten days after giving birth. It depends if you're a bride who just cares about the look or if this is my friend's bride,” wrote another.

A third wrote: 'What's the problem? A pregnant bridesmaid is just as good a friend as a non-pregnant one.”

“Her timeline is quite optimistic and feels rushed, but whatever. You seem pessimistic and you're rushing to kick her out for something that hasn't even happened yet,” another added.

“Just being a pregnant bridesmaid isn't a big deal as long as everyone knows what the expectations should be,” someone else wrote.