Joe Lieberman says his 2024 goal is for No Labels to get ‘a third line on the ballot in all 50 states’ while Sen. Joe Manchin and ex- Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan are top contenders for the ticket

  • No Labels is moving closer to placing a third-party bid on the 2024 ballot
  • Founding chairman Senator Joe Lieberman says Senator Joe Manchin and former Governor Larry Hogan are top candidates for the 'unity vote'
  • Comes as the majority of Americans say they don't want a rematch between Trump and Biden

No Labels is working to secure candidates for the 2024 elections – with outgoing Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) leading the field of potential presidential candidates.

The bipartisan third party is trying to secure a “unity ticket” in next year's presidential election, according to former Connecticut Democratic senator and No Labels founder Joe Lieberman.

“We are now focused on getting a third line on the ballot in all fifty states,” Lieberman told John Catsimatidis in a Sunday morning interview on Cats Roundtable. 'We are making good progress. We want to leave open the possibility of putting together a bipartisan unity ticket for America… We may even have a chance to win.”

“We want to get on the ballot so that next year we have the option… to do something truly unprecedented in America – at least since Abraham Lincoln – which is to nominate a bipartisan, America-first unity ticket,” he added.

No Labels founder and former Senator Joe Lieberman said his 2024 goals are to get on a unity ticket in November's presidential election

No Labels founder and former Senator Joe Lieberman said his 2024 goals are to get on a unity ticket in November's presidential election

No Labels has teased a bid for most of 2023, without revealing who might be on a ticket with both a moderate Democrat and a moderate Republican.

However, several indications and hints from the third party show that Manchin and Hogan are top candidates for the ticket.

“Joe Manchin certainly deserves to be considered our candidate if he is interested,” Liberman told Catsimatidis in the radio interview Sunday morning. 'But there are many more. Larry Hogan, the former Republican governor of Maryland, is another.”

“There are some surprising people from outside politics who have also started talking to us,” he teased, adding, “I'm grateful to be involved in the No Labels movement. It gives me the opportunity, after I no longer have an elective, to try to get our politics and government back on track, where it is not just about parties.'

Manchin, a Democrat, announced earlier this fall that he will not run for re-election in 2024 in West Virginia, which he has represented in the U.S. Senate since 2010. When asked about future plans, he did not rule out running for president that same year.

In 2020, Machin became an important decisive vote with the slim Democratic majority. The lone senator could help shape the legislation by joining or breaking with his colleagues on the left.

Some speculate that the No Labels ticket would see Manchin as the presidential candidate, with Hogan as the VP choice.

“Honestly, I have never seen so much anger about the two major parties and this great disappointment that we may once again have to face the choice between President Trump and Biden,” Lieberman lamented.

He noted that 60 to 70 percent of the American people say, “Please! Give us another choice!'

Senator Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia

Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (right)

The No Labels ticket appears to have Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (left) of West Virginia and/or former Republican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan (right) making a bid.

So far, it appears Trump and Biden are on track for a 2020 rematch in November. But it is true that a large majority of Americans do not want to see the two men on the 2024 ballot again.

Some states are trying to keep Trump out of the primaries as the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine's secretary of state rule that the ex-president cannot run for re-election due to his involvement in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots.

Iowa kicks off its primaries on January 15 with the first caucuses in the country, followed just eight days later by the New Hampshire primary on January 23.