People confess the ‘pettiest’ things they’ve done to seek revenge as 2023 nears an end – and some go a step too far

One woman's petty confession caused hundreds of people to vent about the “littlest” things they've ever done in revenge.

The first woman saw red when one of her acquaintances crossed a line and made distasteful comments about her marriage – leading many to confess their own shameful actions.

'A friend of a friend brings a specific snack to every event/meeting. She would make a huge deal about the fact that this was her signature recipe and she would never share it no matter if anyone asked,” she shared on X.

'It was tasty and everyone liked it, but with repeat number 20 it became annoying. One day she got really angry at me because she felt sorry for men whose wives had busy careers because they clearly couldn't be “taken care of properly.”

“So I went home and spent six hours reverse-engineering the recipe, which I then started handing out as Christmas presents with the recipe included.”

A woman reverse-engineered a friend's “signature” dish and handed out recipe cards to everyone

A few confessions were small but ultimately harmless.

'About twenty years ago, a client of mine lived in a very high building (42nd or 44th floor). “I took the elevator to the basement and pressed all the buttons so the elevator stopped on every floor,” one man revealed.

'When I wrap presents, I put on a nicer bow depending on how I feel about you at that moment. When I'm mad at you, I choose a bow that doesn't match the wrapping paper,” one woman wrote.

But others played cunning mind tricks.

“I replaced (some of) my roommate's underwear with a size smaller,” one person said.

“I had a really horrible roommate who gave up caffeine, so I replaced her decaffeinated coffee with regular. And when she got used to the regular, I switched back to decaf,” another added.

Some played 'pranks' on ex-partners.

“I canceled my now ex-husband's first class ticket back to medical school the night before his flight after I found out he had a girlfriend,” one woman said.

'When I was annoyed with my ex, I went in to use the toilet before he wanted to take a shower. I turned on the hot water in the bathtub until it turned cold. This was in the days before 'on demand' boilers, 35 years ago!' another revealed.

A third said: 'During my divorce I changed all his Apple ID and Google passwords and canceled his access to YouTube TV during a close game in Alabama (his favorite team). When he tried to log in, all the verification codes were sent to me. I denied it.'

A woman put laxatives in her lunch because she was tired of a co-worker stealing her food

A woman put laxatives in her lunch because she was tired of a co-worker stealing her food

While others really went a step further and made a statement.

'I gave my neighbor a bag of their dog cr*p from my garden as a gift. I had a shared backyard with them and their three large dogs pooped everywhere. I have spoken to them several times, but to no avail. So I got a gift bag and put every piece of dog poop from my yard in it and hung it on the doorknob with a note that said 'for you,'” one person said.

'In high school, a girl wrote an article for our school newspaper about how hard it was to be popular. My best friend and I wrote a letter to the editor about how her entire argument was worthless because 'she wasn't even popular,'” wrote another.

'Someone kept eating my lunches from the office fridge, so I put copious amounts of laxatives in my smoothie. I soon found out who ate my lunch,” one woman revealed.