Where to find all the Spotify Wrapped-style breakdowns of your gaming habits in 2023

With the end of 2023 quickly approaching, it is time to look back fondly on the year and its achievements. Oh no, wait, that's not what I meant real life achievements – I mean all the games you've played in the last twelve months to pass the time between global crises.

Several major gaming platforms have followed in Spotify Wrapped's trusted footsteps to provide detailed overviews of your gaming habits in 2023. If you're having trouble figuring out where to get these personalized reports, here's a quick overview of the year-end festivities.

Play station

Image: PlayStation

Where: wrapup.playstation.com

How long have you: Until January 13th

What is covered: First game played, total games played, total game time, total trophies earned, your top five games (based on hours, trophies, and playtime ratio), a summary of monthly activities, your gaming style (apparently I'm a thrill seeker), a playlist with PlayStation Plus games that suit your gaming style and your social style (Lone Wolf, baby).

PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up also offers you a number of downloadable cards that allow you to easily share these various statistics on social media.


Replacing an image of the Xbox logo with the 0 in 2023 with the caption

Image: Xbox

Where: www.xbox.com/year-in-review

How long have you: Until January 31

What is covered: Total games played, most played games (with links to similar games), total play time, total achievements earned, total Gamerscore points earned, best gameplay month, a pie chart of your favorite genres and how you stack up against others Xbox users.

Xbox also shared a few common stats, noting that 36,000 games were played between everyone on Xbox platforms, for a total of 4.5 billion trophies and 91 billion Gamerscore points.


A graphic text “Year in Review 2023” surrounded by screenshots of Nintendo games

Image: Nintendo

Where: year-in-review.nintendo.com

How long have you: No deadline given

What is covered: First game played, total games played, most played games, total game time, busiest month, an overview of your gaming trends by genre and the ability to choose your favorite game.

As with the PlayStation completion, Nintendo also offers downloadable image cards that allow you to share your data elsewhere.


A graphic text

Image: Valve

Where: store.steampowered.com/yearinreview or the Steam client

How long have you: No deadline has been given, but since the 2022 annual review is still available, I suspect this will take a long time.

What is covered: Total games played (including separate totals for new games and demos), total play time with monthly charts, top three games by total play time and sessions, total achievements earned, longest game streak, an overview of your favorite genres in a spider chart, and how you stack up against other Steam users.

Steam also allows you to add your year in review to your profile so your friends can view it.