The school bully kept stealing my daughter’s food – so I spiked it with laxatives. Here’s what happened

A furious mother has admitted to supplementing her daughter's lunch with laxatives in a desperate bid to stop a school bully from stealing her food.

The mother took to Reddit to explain that her daughter's lunches had been missing for weeks. She brought it to the attention of her teacher and principal, but they didn't seem to care.

“Both told me to tell my daughter to keep her lunch more secure, but maybe she just lost it,” she said.

So she took matters into her own hands and laced her daughter's lunch with laxatives.

She gave her daughter some lunch money and told her to keep an eye on her classmates to see who needed to go to the bathroom “urgently.”

A furious mother has admitted to supplementing her daughter's lunch with laxatives in a desperate bid to stop a school bully from stealing her food

According to the mother, one child stood out from the crowd: a boy she called “Billy” in her story.

He rushed to the bathroom after lunch, she claimed.

Then she repeated the test for a few days.

“She repeatedly tells me that it is missing and that he is the first to flee to the bathroom,” said the fuming mother.

But it looks like Billy, the sandwich thief, has the last laugh.

“Billy told his mother that my daughter purposefully gave him food laced with laxatives, and now my daughter could be suspended from school,” she said.

The mother felt unsure about the incident and begged for advice. Most people told her to ask why Billy ate her daughter's food.

“Tell the school that the food contained laxatives because she is constipated and that it is unfortunate that Billy ate the food, but people need to explain to him that eating other people's food is unsafe,” said one mother.

Another agreed: “Ask the mother why Billy needs your daughter's food. Tell them she would never have given it to him because of the laxatives.

But others suggested she withhold the facts because she laced the lunch with laxatives.

'The medical matters are not their concern. As far as they know, his intestines are not used to your food. Just tell them you didn't give him permission to take the food and your daughter went hungry without food,” said one mother.

She claimed the same boy had to go to the toilet every time she spiked her daughter's lunch (stock image)

She claimed the same boy had to go to the toilet every time she spiked her daughter's lunch (stock image)

“What if there are allergens in her food – or in another child's food – Billy needs to keep an eye on his own lunchbox and people need to check why he's so hungry: is his mom doing enough?” asked another.

Some people criticized the mother for dosing the food with laxatives.

“It is illegal to knowingly poison another child. I'm not even sure if you can have unlabeled drugs in a school lunch,” said one mother.

'The reactions are also disgusting. Regardless of the behavior, poisoning a child (and yes, if OP actually did this it would be intentional poisoning) is neither morally nor legally okay,” said another.

“So you publicly admit that you deliberately poisoned a child? I'm not saying it's okay to take your daughter's lunch, but poisoning a child isn't okay either. As they teach children, two wrongs don't make a right. They can press charges against you,” said another.

Some people labeled the post as fake.

“No kid would think they took a laxative,” one man said.

“This is fake; the child would not have offended himself.”

Many people claimed that laxatives take days to work, which would make the post a work of fiction.

However, according to the medical professionals at the Mayo Clinic, some saline laxatives work within 30 minutes on an empty stomach.