Disgraceful moment Australia Post worker smashes parcels to the ground in wild meltdown at Manly

Shocking footage has captured the moment an Australia Post worker smashed parcels to the ground during a tantrum that stunned onlookers.

The clip showed a postal worker stacking boxes onto a moving trolley at The Corso in Manly, on Sydney's northern beaches.

A video of the incident was shared on Instagram on Tuesday.

The worker was seen stacking six boxes scattered on the ground onto his cart.

By the time the mailman stacked the fourth box, he was throwing the rest on top of each other with full force.

The worker was seen stacking six boxes that were scattered on the ground

Once the parcels were in place, another postman came over for a chat.

The frustrated worker walked behind the trolley and tipped it backwards, holding onto the top box.

Unable to carry the heavy load, the worker bounced the trolley back upright.

The postman showed his anger as he pushed the top two packages onto the ground with full force, stunning onlookers.

He grabbed the next two boxes from the cart and threw them down as the older mailman still watched.

An Australia Post spokesperson told Ny Breaking Australia they have strict protocols in place for team members when delivering parcels.

“These actions clearly do not meet the high standards we expect,” they said.

The frustrated postman grabbed boxes from the cart and threw them while the older postal worker still watched

The frustrated postman grabbed boxes from the cart and threw them while the older postal worker still watched

“The delivery driver has been identified and we will conduct a full investigation.”

Social media users were divided in their opinions, with some saying the postman's actions were 'disrespectful'.

Some made light of the situation, with one commenting: “Auditioning for a job as a baggage handler.”

“Make sure no one is watching next time,” another added.

Others were more empathetic, reasoning that he had probably had “a rough day.”

“This guy needs a day off,” another wrote.