WHAT is up with Gavin Newsom’s voice? Governor’s croaky delivery steals focus of debate as he battles Ron DeSantis with viewers concerned for his health

Viewers worried about the future of the country found themselves worrying about Gavin Newsom's health as the California governor weaved his way through tonight's debate with Florida's Ron DeSantis.

Crime, immigration and schools were on the agenda as the two potential presidents after Joe Biden and Donald Trump tried to establish their voice for politics.

But the clash of ideologies was lost on some viewers who struggled to concentrate despite Newsom's gravelly speech.

Many then took to social media, but they were divided on whether it was health, nerves or the sheer amount of talk for the Democrat.

'What happened to your voice? It's crazy scratchy,” Shanna I wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Both governors struggled to be heard as they continually spoke over each other on the Fox debate show.

Fox expected a large audience as voters gathered to listen to the two young presidential candidates lay out their stalls for the future

Fox expected a large audience as voters gathered to listen to the two young presidential candidates lay out their stalls for the future

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But the California governor's chant proved too much for some who vented their irritation

But the California governor's chant proved too much for some who vented their irritation

“This debate proves that Gavin Newsom is a whiny child with an extremely annoying voice,” spieswholie added.

“No one outside of California will vote for this idiot.”

“Gavin started out cocky and laughing, and now he strains his voice and doesn't laugh anymore,” wrote Ahuva Shain, “body language tells a big story!”

Both governors struggled to be heard at all, constantly talking over each other on the Fox debate show.

DeSantis blasted his California counterpart by pointing out his hypocrisy during COVID-19 by going out to fine-dining restaurant The French Laundry and sending his children to in-person private schools while his residents were still in lockdown.

Newsom accused DeSantis of “trolling” over his attempt to ferry migrants from border states to Democratic sanctuary cities — and said he is trying to target former President Donald Trump with his antics.

“The Great Red and Blue State Debate – Can They Just Stop Talking Over Each Other?” Melody 22 asked.

'Ron DeSantis let Gavin Newsom say a word with his crackling voice (is that because of California smog)!'

“I can't even watch this debate right now because the sound of Gavin Newsom's voice makes me sick,” Paula Scanlan added, complete with a vomit emoji.

Crime, immigration and schools were on the agenda of the long-awaited showdown

Crime, immigration and schools were on the agenda of the long-awaited showdown

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But the candidates generally talk over each other

But the candidates talking over each other turned out to be more of an annoyance for some

“Real question: What health status does Newsom have?” asked at seethew0rld.

“Aside from his ever-hoarse voice, what's going on with his bright red hands?”

“Dear God, that voice,” Linda Traitz added.

Republican broadcaster Jenna Ellis had urged conservatives to tune into the debate in an effort to see if the Florida governor has what it takes to dethrone Donald Trump in the hearts of primary voters.

But that earned her a blow from viewers with sensitive ears.

“So if I don't watch because I can't stand Gavin Newsom's voice, that doesn't make me a true conservative? Andrew Lovsness asked.

Owen Durden suggested that the 56-year-old was simply trying to channel former Democratic President Bill Clinton “from voice, to hand movement to body jitters.”

And Timothy Lassley suggested an even more extreme comparison: “All I hear is Nancy Pelosi's voice when Gavin Newsom talks,” he tweeted.

But DeSantis wasn't having it all his way with a different take on Mike Tausig.

“Neither Newsom nor Ron DeSantis will shut up and answer a question,” he wrote.

“Desantis' voice rasps!”

Newsom initially challenged DeSantis to a debate in September 2022. DeSantis was not yet running in the 2024 Republican presidential primary.

DeSantis is now a candidate, but is consistently in second place, far behind Trump.

He has already participated without Trump in three Republican presidential primaries against his Republican competitors, prior to the battle with Newsom.

Meanwhile, Newsom is not entering the 2024 race — insisting he has no plans to enter the race and is instead serving as a surrogate for Biden.

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Fox News host Sean Hannity moderated the debate in Alpharetta, Georgia

Fox News host Sean Hannity moderated the debate in Alpharetta, Georgia

In an interview with Hannity in June, Newsom, a liberal, again said he would debate DeSantis, a conservative, while the Fox host would moderate.

DeSantis officially agreed in August, telling Hannity during an interview, “I'm game. Let's get it done. Just tell me when and where.'

“We were shocked when he accepted,” the Californian's spokesperson told DailyMail.com

“Newsom had been challenging Desantis (sic) to debate for months, and the fact that he finally accepted while his campaign was in trouble shows how badly Desantis (sic) needs to distract from his disastrous candidacy,” he added .