Flight attendants reveal the RUDEST things passengers have ever said or done to them on flights

Dozens of flight attendants have revealed the rudest things they’ve ever experienced from airline passengers.

US-based travel experts Rich Henderson and Andrew Kothlow often ask cabin crew members questions on their blog, titled Two guys in a planewhere they also regularly make recommendations.

Most recently, the duo offered employees the chance to share industry anecdotes by asking flight attendants, “What’s the rudest thing a passenger has ever said/done to you!?”

And they were soon inundated with disturbing stories from staff on board, who detailed incidents ranging from passengers throwing sandwiches at them to pulling their ponytails to attract attention.

US-based travel experts Rich Henderson and Andrew Kothlow often ask cabin crew members questions on their blog, entitled Two Guys on a Plane, where they also regularly provide recommendations

Most recently, the duo offered employees the chance to share industry anecdotes by asking flight attendants,

Most recently, the duo offered employees the chance to share industry anecdotes by asking flight attendants,

Most recently, the duo offered employees the chance to share industry anecdotes by asking flight attendants, “What’s the rudest thing a passenger has ever said/done to you!?”

And they were soon inundated with disturbing stories from staff on board describing the incidents in detail

And they were soon inundated with disturbing stories from staff on board describing the incidents in detail

And they were soon inundated with disturbing stories from staff on board describing the incidents in detail

On their blog, Rich and Andrew wrote: ‘Passengers have been caught doing some pretty loud things: punching flight attendants in the face, opening emergency exits and even storming the cockpit.

“But you’re probably thinking, “Okay, but how often does that kind of thing REALLY happen?”

“The answer is: this happens A LOT.”

The travel pros then shared a series of screenshots detailing “some of the rudest things passengers have said and done,” as told by cabin crew members themselves.

One revealed that she “had a grown man pull my ponytail to get my attention for snacks.”

Another explained that a passenger threw “a sandwich” at their face before telling her to “fuck off.”

Similarly, despite a staff member offering to check a customer’s bag for free, the disgruntled passenger threw his luggage at the worker after becoming frustrated because there was ‘no luggage space above him’.

Insults hurled included customers who labeled the clerks as “overpaid automatons,” “damn incompetent” and “traveling bums.”

The travel pros then shared a series of screenshots detailing

The travel pros then shared a series of screenshots detailing

The travel pros then shared a series of screenshots detailing “some of the rudest things passengers have said and done,” as told by cabin crew members themselves.

One passenger threw popcorn on the floor in protest because alcohol was no longer being served

Another hurled insults at cabin crew members

One passenger threw popcorn on the floor in protest at being deprived of alcohol, while another passenger threw insults at cabin crew members

It seems that many passengers had a hard time fighting their bladders, which led to some very grim incidents

It seems that many passengers had a hard time fighting their bladders, which led to some very grim incidents

It seems that many passengers had a hard time fighting their bladders, which led to some very grim incidents

Another passenger relieved himself 'in the middle of the aisle' when the toilets were locked during refueling

Another passenger relieved himself ‘in the middle of the aisle’ when the toilets were locked during refueling

In other shocking anecdotes, it was revealed that an angry customer even ‘spitted’ an airline employee and was eventually arrested.

Bizarrely, another revealed that someone “hissed” at them while “squeezing their love handle at the same time.”

And the shocking stories didn’t stop there.

One passenger allegedly ‘urined in the aft galley because the toilets were occupied’, while another passenger urinated ‘in the middle of the aisle’ while the toilets were locked during refuelling.

Others shamelessly handed over their used chewing gum and a ‘water bottle full of urine’ to the flight attendants, while another threw popcorn on the floor in protest as alcohol was no longer being served.

One cabin crew member was told the airline was ‘scraping the bottom of the barrel’ by employing them with a separate employee from Vietnam, who was urged to ‘improve’ their accent.

Another employee heard 'you are a beautiful woman, but you won't be that way in ten years'

One Vietnam worker urged to 'improve' his accent

Another employee heard “you’re a beautiful woman, but you won’t be in ten years,” when a worker from Vietnam was urged to “improve” his accent

One worker was told to 'get a real job'

Another was cursed because the crew 'had to get out for a mechanical day'

One worker was told to ‘get a real job’ while another was berated as the crew had to ‘leave the plane for a mechanical day’

A traveler 'told their child that if she didn't behave, she would end up as (a flight attendant)'

Another passenger became very aggressive and said: 'I hope your next plane crashes'

A traveler “told his child that if she didn’t behave she would end up as (a flight attendant),” and another passenger became very aggressive, saying, “I hope your next plane crashes.”

Another employee revealed that they were told: ‘You’re a beautiful woman but that won’t be the case in 10 years’, adding that the comment was ‘completely unprovoked’.

One worker was told to “get a real job,” while another was berated as the crew had to “leave the plane for a mechanical day.”

In one particularly shocking encounter, a passenger became very aggressive and said, “I hope your next plane crashes.”

But it’s not all doom and gloom for the cabin crew.

Elsewhere, other flight attendants have lightheartedly shared the worst pick-up lines they’ve received on board, such as: “Want to join the Mile High Club?”