Revealed: Suspect in Dublin stabbing was charged with knife possession in May this year… but never convicted

The main suspect in the multiple stabbing that left a five-year-old girl fighting for her life was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife, the Irish Ny Breaking has learned.

The man, originally from Algeria, has lived in Ireland for twenty years. He took Irish citizenship more than ten years ago.

The man, who is in his late forties, has come to the attention of the Garda several times over the past year.

The latest incident involved possession of a knife and criminal damage to a car in May.

He was taken to court on the charges, but was not convicted. The Mail understands he was not convicted due to a mental health report provided to the court.

Hero Deliveroo rider Caio Benicio from Brazil tackled the knifeman outside Gaelscoil Cholaiste Mhuire in Parnell Square on Thursday afternoon

Gardai closed off Parnell Square following the stabbing during which the suspect, aged in his 40s, was arrested

Gardai closed off Parnell Square following the stabbing during which the suspect, aged in his 40s, was arrested

Sources have told this newspaper that the man was living in a Dublin City Council hostel on Thursday afternoon before heading out to Parnell Square.

The suspect is still in hospital after he was tackled to the ground and overpowered by passers-by.

Officers are keeping an eye on the man. It is believed he will be arrested and formally questioned over the attack that shocked the nation if he is cleared by medics.

Gardaí entered his accommodation and seized phones and other items they believe may have evidentiary value.

One source said: ‘This man came to Ireland around 2003. Recently he has come to the attention of the Gardaí. This was because he had a knife and caused damage to a car.

The Irish Daily Mail reports that the suspect was previously arrested by gardai on suspicion of possessing a knife, but avoided conviction due to mental health issues

The Irish Ny Breaking reports that the suspect was previously arrested by gardai on suspicion of possessing a knife, but avoided conviction due to mental health issues

Hours after the stabbing, far-right activists rioted in Dublin's north inner city, causing widespread damage

Hours after the stabbing, far-right activists rioted in Dublin’s north inner city, causing widespread damage

‘It is not correct to say that this man was constantly causing trouble, but he had been known to officers in the area since the incidents in May. There is good security at the hospital where he is being held, also because there is a real fear that he could be attacked by groups of people if they find out where he is,” she added.

Gardaí said they are keeping an ‘open mind’ about the motive behind the stabbing but have not yet ruled out that this was a terror-related incident.

Another source added: ‘Gardaí are at the very beginning of the investigation here so they are investigating his background and any incidents he was involved in before this attack took place.

“There’s a real possibility that this was an incident related to a mental health episode, because of his history, but it’s not like they’re trying to get him off the hook.

‘Every proper procedure is being followed and they will have to wait until he is physically fit before interviewing him.

‘Gardaí will investigate whether he had links to Islamic extremism, but at this stage that is less likely and more likely to be a mental health incident.’

The Mail has also established that more than 50 gardaí were attacked during chaotic scenes on the streets of the capital on Thursday evening.

Multiple videos shared on social media showed officers being attacked from behind, with one struck in the back of the head, and fireworks being fired at them by rioters.

In another video, a lone garda is seen fighting off a gang of young men who attack him while he is on O’Connell Bridge.

Gardaí have now deployed two PSNI water cannons to quell further violence that could break out in the coming days.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said his officers responded to the unprecedented crisis in an “extraordinary manner”.

He said: ‘Order was restored between 8.30pm and 9pm as we deployed more resources.

“An Garda Síochána has responded fully and exceptionally to this.

“Members from across the country responded and returned to duty; Public order units from across Ireland responded to Dublin.

“But we could not have foreseen that this would be the reaction in response to a terrible crime, the stabbing of schoolchildren and their teacher.

“In fact, those filled with hatred and hatred directed at An Garda Síochána would attempt to storm through our cordon and disrupt a crime scene and then engage in violence, looting and disorder,” Commissioner Harris said.

“No one could have foreseen that when these terrible events began at 1:30 p.m..”

There have been 34 arrests so far over the riots, most of which appeared in court yesterday.