Tim Cook: Only Steve Jobs could’ve created Apple and he’d still be running it if he was alive today

I listen to a lot of podcasts, but somehow I had no idea that pop icon Dua Lipa had her own talker at the BBC, let alone the fact that she got hold of Apple CEO Tim Cook for a rare 45-minute conversation. Cook didn’t reveal any major Apple news, but listening to the interview gave me a rare insight into the relatively private CEO, and an important glimpse into how Apple is planning for an uncertain future.

Five years ago, I read that by Leander Kahney Tim Cook: the genius who took Apple to the next level. The biography offered Cook’s life story, but differently Walter Isaacsons Steve Jobs posthumous biography, Kahney apparently never interviewed his subject. Cook remained somewhat of a cipher. Lipa’s casual conversation at her home about a week after the iPhone 15 launch did a better job of bringing out the real Tim Cook, even if he occasionally falls back on what sounds like something written by Apple’s marketing department answers.