Anton Smolin: Read the shocking messages a high-flying company director sent to his Hinge matches after they turned down a date


A top boss at an engineering firm has allegedly verbally abused women he met on dating apps, labeling them ‘stupid b****es’ and ‘fat pigs’ after they rejected his invitations to meet.

Several women have shared messages with Ny Breaking Australia showing the disturbing barrage of insults they claim to have received from 42-year-old Anton Smolin, a deputy director of Erbas engineering consultants in Sydney.

Each of the interactions, all of which took place within the past twelve months, follows a similar pattern: Smolin seemingly explodes in anger when the women politely cancel dates.

A fourth woman claims he abruptly canceled their date hours before they were due to meet after learning she had no intention of drinking alcohol.

Renee* said she met Smolin on Hinge on Monday and the pair exchanged numbers before making plans via WhatsApp to meet up in Parramatta the following evening.

However, she said that over the next few hours as they continued to chat, the conversation dried up.

Anton Smolin (pictured) has reportedly verbally abused women he met on dating apps

He messaged her on Tuesday morning to ask if she had time for an appointment that evening, but feeling there was no connection, she told him she had changed her mind.

β€œHey there, I’m actually going to pass it by I guess because I don’t think there will be much of a connection. Good luck in your search and enjoy France,” she wrote.

But Smolin apparently felt slighted.

‘Why? I didn’t do anything wrong. You’re such a crazy, time-wasting idiot,” he said.

β€œGo away, you stupid fat pig. That’s the reason you’re single: because you’re an annoyingly fat piece of shit. Nothing to do with the fact that there aren’t enough intelligent men available.

“Go eat some more takeaway… Men like fat pigs.”

Renee said she was shocked by the disturbing exchange.

β€œWe probably exchanged about 10 messages back and forth, 15 max in the space of about two hours, so I didn’t know him at all,” she said.

‘[Then] when I refused a date with him, he went crazy!’

Miranda* said she went on a date with Smolin last month after the pair matched on Hinge.

Pictured: WhatsApp messages between Renee and Smolin earlier this week

Smolin blew up after Renee canceled their date on Tuesday

Pictured: WhatsApp messages between Renee and Smolin earlier this week

They met at the Opera Bar, in the city’s CBD, where they spent a few hours chatting and enjoying drinks.

But Miranda said the date was a bit awkward and she felt put off when she noticed Smolin making derogatory comments about women.

When he reached out to ask for a second date, she declined, explaining that she didn’t think they were clicking and didn’t want to waste her time.

Smolin then resorted to name-calling.

‘It’s too late for that. You’ve already wasted so much of my time,” he began.

β€œI can’t believe what a rude, annoying, inconsiderate idiot you are. If you didn’t want to meet, you could have just said so. There was no need to waste so much of my time. You’re such a stupid, lying son of a bitch.”

A moment later he was hers without equal.

Sharon* also met Smolin on Hinge in May, and the pair agreed to meet at the Opera Bar.

But the morning of their date she asked to reschedule because she had had a big week at work.

Smolin is associate director at engineering consultancy Erbas

Smolin is associate director at engineering consultancy Erbas

Miranda was called a 'stupid lying b***h' after telling Smolin she didn't feel a connection

Another woman, Sharon, was told she was 'rude and inconsiderate' after asking to reschedule

Two other women claimed they had similar interactions with Smolin after turning down dates

“It’s so rude and inconsiderate to cancel at the last minute after confirmation, especially for a Saturday night,” he wrote.

‘It’s too late for me to make other plans. You would effectively ruin my Saturday night.

‘I’m also going abroad for two weeks next weekend and next week will be very busy for me. So there are not many options for postponement.’

Sharon explained that she was exhausted and mentally unwell after her friend died during the week, but Smolin showed no sympathy.

‘Date cancelled. I’m blocking you,” he wrote.

Danielle* said she matched with Smolin on a dating app more than a year ago and they made plans to meet for drinks at the same bar.

However, when she said she was going to drive to the bar, he told her not to because “you won’t be able to drink.”

'Anton Smolin' is credited as the author of a 2014 self-published eBook entitled 'Seduction Chronicles'.  Mr. Smolin did not respond to questions about the book, which is described in the blurb as an

‘Anton Smolin’ is credited as the author of a 2014 self-published eBook entitled ‘Seduction Chronicles’. Mr. Smolin did not respond to questions about the book, which is described in the blurb as an “explicit” account of a man’s sexual escapades.

Danielle claimed that Smolin sent the above messages to her after they planned a date

Danielle claimed that Smolin sent the above messages to her after they planned a date

‘It’s Monday night, so I can’t drink alcohol anyway. But non-alcoholic drinks and conversations are just as good,” she said.

Smolin replied, β€œNo. Date cancelled.’

According to the Erbas website, Smolin has “more than 10 years of industrial experience in project management and electrical engineering” and has managed “numerous small and large service contracts.”

These jobs include various government projects, including consulting for schools and hospitals.

When contacted by phone Thursday about the allegations, Smolin abruptly hung up.  His profile was removed from the Erbas company website shortly after Daily Mail made inquiries

When contacted by phone Thursday about the allegations, Smolin abruptly hung up. His profile was removed from the Erbas company website shortly after Ny Breaking made inquiries

A Google search for Mr. Smolin’s name returns a result from the website listing “Anton Smolin” as the author of a 2014 self-published e-book titled “Seduction Chronicles.”

The book is described in the synopsis as an ‘explicit’ account of a man’s sexual escapades.

Mr. Smolin did not answer when asked about the book that bears his name.

When contacted by phone Thursday about the allegations, Smolin abruptly hung up. His profile was also removed from the Erbas company website shortly after Ny Breaking Australia made inquiries via email.

*Names have been changed to protect the woman’s identity.