I’m a goal realization expert… Here’s four steps that made my dreams a reality – and could help YOU do the same


Ben Stocken, goal achievement expert at business performance consulting firm West Peak (West Peak)

Many people end up disappointed because even though they have goals in life, they don’t pursue them – but one expert shared four steps to turn them into reality.

The key to achieving your elusive life goals is to be methodical in your approach and not just dream up a plan, says Ben Stocken, a goal-achievement expert at business performance consulting firm West Peak.

Stocken noted that he used his techniques to convince himself to complete a grueling Ironman triathlon consisting of 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26 miles of running.

The expert shared his techniques that can push you over that hill of failure, which include finding the right people to share your aspirations with and how to delay defeat.

“Everyone has goals they want to achieve in life, but many people end up disappointed because they fail to achieve them properly,” he said.

“If you don’t plan how you’re going to make it happen, you’ll probably never get started.

“Often, these goals are vague, ill-considered, and sometimes unrealistic.

‘Whatever your goal, following these processes will greatly increase your chance of winning.

Im a goal realization expert Heres four steps that made

The key to achieving your elusive life goals is to be methodical in your approach and not just dream up a plan, said Ben Stocken, a goal-achievement expert at business performance consulting firm West Peak.

Tell people about your goals – and find like-minded people

Stocken said the biggest “obstacle” that prevents people from achieving their goals is loneliness.

Knowing your goals ensures that people stick to them, just as when former President John F. Kennedy stood up for them. Kennedy appeared before the Americans and announced that he aimed to send a man to the moon.

After that point, Stocken said, he had to do it.

He said: The same applies to your goals. If you tell your friends and family that you want to learn the saxophone within ten years, they will remind you of this goal and hopefully encourage you.

“When I decided I wanted to complete a full-distance triathlon, I posted my goal on LinkedIn

And shared it with thousands of followers. Soon I received dozens of messages from people wishing me well. And many others tell me I’m crazy.

“I then looked for people who were planning to do a triathlon at a similar time, and we shared training plans and worked together.

“Combining overall responsibility for sharing your goals with a support team makes you more likely to succeed.

“Delay failure” and “Use reason”

Delaying failure is a key tactic when achieving goals, Stockin said.

“Delaying failure means always pushing yourself to do something else,” Stocken explained. “You may not achieve all of your sales goals today, but sending another email or making another call delays failure. That little thing is often enough to get you through a motivational slump.”

“Doing something instead of nothing adds up to some serious steps toward the goal.”

The second weapon against procrastination is “using reason,” Stockin said.

“Remind yourself why” you set the goal in the first place, he said. Why do you work so hard and persistently to achieve this seemingly unattainable goal?

The answer will be unique to you and will be the key to keeping you grounded and grounded

disciplined. You have to keep reminders of it visible in places and moments when you are likely to want to give up.

Stoken said athletes often write children’s names on their bodies to remind them “why.”

Write down your goals and set a time limit

Write it down.  be specific.  Stockton said:

‘Write it down.’ be specific. “A goal should be measurable, which means it can’t be something vague like ‘be happy’ or ‘feel good’ — you have to be able to measure that you’ve achieved your goal,” Stockton said.

You can’t achieve your goals if you’re not exactly sure what you want to do and when, Stocken advises.

Research suggests that only a fifth of people (20 percent) regularly set goals, and less than three percent actually write these aspirations down.

Worse still, only 1% of people actually work toward achieving their goals every day, Stockin says.

‘Write it down.’ be specific. He told DailyMail.com: ‘A goal should be measurable, which means it can’t be something vague like ‘be happy’ or ‘feel good’ – you have to be able to measure that you have achieved your goal.

“Finally, make sure it has a time limit. When are you going to achieve that goal? If there’s no time limit, there’s no pressure to get it done, and you’ll keep putting it off until tomorrow.”

Take small actions to build discipline

Taking small actions toward your goal helps make it a reality, even if it’s something as small as running to the end of the street, Stocken says.

“It’s often said that the hardest part of writing a book is getting started, and the hardest part about running is getting your sneakers on,” he said.

“You need a blueprint that starts by doing something today.

When going for a run, once you take the first small step of putting on your sneakers, it won’t be a lot of work to get out the door and run five metres. Once you’ve run five metres, running to the end of the road doesn’t seem so difficult.’

(tags for translation) Daily Mail