5 Things to Know About Getting an Oil Change for Your Volkswagen

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Volkswagen is a prestigious automotive manufacturer with a history of providing affordable vehicles to consumers since 1937. Owning a Volkswagen car or SUV is a rewarding experience, allowing you to enjoy the perks of German engineering and luxury for daily commutes and nationwide road trips.

One of the most essential aspects of owning a car is knowing when to schedule a Volkswagen oil change. Getting an oil change Volkswagen provides several benefits to your car, including better fuel economy and a longer lifespan. Knowing what to expect for your first Volkswagen-approved synthetic oil change will help you get more from your investment in a VW vehicle.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the perfect spot to learn more about determining when your Volkswagen needs an oil change and the benefits it provides. Continue reading to maintain your VW vehicle today!

1. Dark and Gritty Oil

Your VW vehicle should never have dark and gritty oil; it’s a clear sign you need to schedule an oil change with your local VW dealership. Clean oil has an amber tint to it. Checking your engine’s dipstick is the best way to determine if you need to replace the oil and maintain engine health.

Check both the color and the consistency of the oil when pulling the dipstick from the engine. The oil should have a smooth consistency rather than the grittiness caused by particles in the engine.

2. Engine Knock

The hope is that you’ll schedule VW oil changes before you hear your engine knocking, but the knock is a surefire sign you need to head to the dealership and get an oil change for your Volkswagen. It’s not normal for an engine to make knocking noises as you drive to and from work or school.

You’ll need to seek help from a trained technician to determine the root cause of the knocking, but it’s possible getting an oil change at your local VW dealership will resolve the loud and obnoxious noises. Schedule an oil change at Volkswagen Bakersfield to keep your new VW running clean.

3. Dashboard Symbols

You should always pay attention to the dashboard symbols on your car. A lit-up symbol indicates that something is going wrong with your vehicle, and ignoring it could cause expensive repairs and dangerous situations.

The Oil Change and Check Engine lights are the two most important to monitor when you’re worried about the amount or quality of oil in your car. Schedule an appointment with the dealership’s service department to determine the cause of the dashboard symbols.

4. Exhaust Smoke

Your VW car’s exhaust should never spew smoke. Seeing vapor coming from an exhaust pipe during the colder months is normal, but smoke from the exhaust is a sign of a significant problem with the engine. The first thing to do when you notice smoke coming from your exhaust pipe is check the oil levels.

One of the primary causes of exhaust smoke is burning oil. Your car may be leaking oil, creating potential problems with the moving parts in your VW car. It indicates that your Volkswagen needs an oil change and possibly repairs.

5. Oil Smell

Another sign that you need to change your oil is a pungent oily odor in the cabin of your car when driving. Find a safe spot to pull over and check your car’s oil levels to determine if they’re high or low. Having a powerful oil smell in the cabin is a sign that something is wrong with your car, and it needs service.

You can also use mileage and time to determine when to schedule your following oil change at a Volkswagen dealership. If you need help remembering when you last changed your car’s oil, it’s time to visit a nearby technician. You can also use your vehicle’s maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer to determine when to get your oil changed.

Benefits of Scheduling an Oil Change Volkswagen

The benefits of scheduling an oil change with your local VW dealership are extensive, and they’ll save you money, time, and frustration. Failure to maintain a VW vehicle can grow costly, but scheduling a Volkswagen-approved synthetic oil change will ensure all the engine’s moving parts remain pristine.

Here’s a closer look at the benefits you’ll enjoy after VW oil changes.

Improved Efficiency

Engines with consistent maintenance and oil changes are more efficient, helping you save money on gas and repairs. You can count on your engine to provide the performance you craved when you purchased your VW car. The oil carries dirt and other particles that produce sludge, but you can prevent sludge buildup by knowing when your Volkswagen needs an oil change.

Extended Engine Life

Another benefit you’ll gain when you change your oil per the maintenance schedule is an extended engine lifespan. You can continue driving your VW with peace of mind beyond 100,000 miles when giving your engine fresh oil.

Engines that lack oil face more wear and tear due to increased friction. Give your engine the synthetic oil it needs to run smoothly and take you from Point A to Point B for several years.

Helps the Environment

You’re also helping the environment when you schedule VW oil changes for your vehicle. Burning oil releases harmful gases into the atmosphere when you’re driving. You can take your car without the guilt of knowing that you’re damaging the local ecosystems during your journey.

Better Mileage

Gas prices are rising, and one of the best ways to save money on gas is by getting oil changes. Getting your oil changed creates an engine devoid of particles that cause damage and inefficiencies during the combustion process. Your engine will run smoother and use less gas during your drives.

Schedule Your VW Oil Change Today

Scheduling an appointment for an oil change Volkswagen is the perfect way to maintain the engine and get your money’s worth for your new VW car. Visit your technician if you notice smoke from the exhaust pipe and a knocking noise from the engine. Your Volkswagen-approved synthetic oil change will help you enjoy better mileage and a longer engine lifespan.

Owning a vehicle is an immense responsibility. Take charge of your vehicle ownership by checking out more of our Automotive blog content today!