The REAL loser of ‘Scum-gate’: After Nazi smears and sexist slurs, DAVID MARCUS reveals who blew the debate – and the surprising winner who could yet topple Trump

“You’re just scum.”

Three words mumbled under Nikki Haley’s breath, picked up very clearly by the microphone placed inches in front of her mouth, and pretty much said it all.

If there was a moment when the former U.N. ambassador’s rising Republican star shot into the stratosphere, it was this moment at the Republican Party’s primary debate in Miami.

But she encountered Vivek the Destroyer.

Or rather: Vivek de Worse.

Look, Nikki isn’t wrong.

The veteran ex-governor couldn’t contain her horror after the millennial motormouth – who had tamed his bouffant but apparently turned his obnoxiousness to 11 – summoned Haley’s 25-year-old daughter.

Showing he’s not too proud to sink so low, Vivek defended his own use of Chinese-owned Tik Tok by pointing out that Haley’s child was also on the social media app.

Yes, classless. But Haley’s anger belied a loss of control and, unfortunately, a missed opportunity.

She was the only candidate behind a podium last night who has seen a recent surge in the polls, and she certainly hoped to capitalize on that momentum.

Still, Vivek was just too annoying to ignore.

He started the evening swinging wildly — taking out RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel for yet another GOP election debacle. It seemed a bit churlish and inappropriate considering McDaniel had just warmed up the live audience and is more or less unknown to everyone, but when has Vivek let tact or taste dictate his behavior?

“You’re just scum.” Three words mumbled under Nikki Haley’s breath, picked up very clearly by the microphone placed inches in front of her mouth, and pretty much said it all.

If there was a moment when the former U.N. ambassador's rising Republican star shot into the stratosphere, it was this moment at the Republican Party's primary debate in Miami.  But she encountered Vivek the Destroyer.  Or rather: Vivek the Worse.

If there was a moment when the former U.N. ambassador’s rising Republican star shot into the stratosphere, it was this moment at the Republican Party’s primary debate in Miami. But she encountered Vivek the Destroyer. Or rather: Vivek the Worse.

In the same breath he started attacking the debate moderators. That joke always goes down well. But it felt a bit like I was punching the host at their own dinner party.

Then this foreign policy-oriented debate really got going when it turned to war.

Vivek – now apparently an aspiring Telegram influencer – bizarrely appeared to accuse Ukraine’s Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of being a Nazi.

It’s a smear straight out of Vlad Putin’s playbook.

Later, Ramaswamy’s campaign claimed he was referring to the Canadian parliament wrongly celebrating the life of a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian veteran who served in the Nazi army.

Fine. But how do they explain that their candidate repeats another Kremlin talking point, namely that Russia has controlled some eastern regions of Ukraine for years? And mind you, he only left that out because Putin came in during the ill-fated Obama administration and Barack, as usual, sat on his hands.

Haley had the perfect answer: Putin and Chinese President Xi are salivating at the prospect of Vivek sitting behind the Resolute desk.

A direct hit. But you could almost see her blood starting to boil.

Sexist jokes about high heels – Nikki’s and Ron’s – followed.

“Do you want Dick Cheney in three-inch heels?” Vivek joked.

He hates neoconservatives, you know. Just before the debate he read all about it on Wikipedia.

Yes, he really is Trump’s child without that winning reality show charm, an onstage arsonist who spews flames from his throat and burns everything.

His best argument seems to be that he’s The Donald, but younger. The vexing question remains: if Vivek thinks Trump is the best, why is he running against him?

The ever-exuberant Chris Christie looked almost presidential, looming over the fray, but only because he is taken as seriously as Senator Tim Scott – who once again won the award for the friendliest person on stage.

On Israel the hawks had fully stretched their wings. “Kill them,” was the phrase from almost every candidate when asked how they would support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in tackling Hamas.

The always exuberant Chris Christie looked almost presidential, looming over the fray, but only because he is taken as seriously as Senator Tim Scott, who once again won the award for the friendliest person on stage.

The ever-exuberant Chris Christie looked almost presidential, looming over the fray, but only because he is taken as seriously as Senator Tim Scott – who once again won the award for the friendliest person on stage.

Sexist jokes about high heels – Nikki's and Ron's – followed.

Sexist jokes about high heels – Nikki’s and Ron’s – followed. “Do you want Dick Cheney in three-inch heels?” Vivek joked.

Vivek, the Great Adversary, was not so brave here. He suggested that Bibi should “smoke those terrorists on his southern border,” while as president he should “smoke the terrorists on his southern border.” us southern border.’

Cute but delusional. Israel’s defense relies on America’s vocal support. His bumper sticker policy isn’t quite up to par.

You could see Haley fighting to regain her composure. Her answers were rushed, a bit jumbled. She seemed a little too uncomfortable. Is this the person to guide America through a crisis?

And amid all the bickering, Ron DeSantis, who preferred to play the silent observer in these fights, continued to straddle the Trumpian isolationist line on Ukraine while remaining staunchly pro-Israel.

In the brightest moment of the night, Florida’s yet-disappointing savior of the GOP delivered one of the sharpest attacks on the clear frontrunner.

“(Trump) owes it to you to stand on this stage and explain why he should be given another chance,” Ron scolded. “He should explain why he didn’t make Mexico pay for the border wall. He should explain why he has accumulated so much debt. He needs to explain why he didn’t drain the swamp.”

He needs more of that.

Yes, Ron DeSantis was the winner of the night and the Ny Breaking’s post-debate poll reflected that. Most importantly, you could see him in the Oval Office.

Unfortunately, for Nikki Haley, this was her moment and she missed it. But one woman’s strikeout is another man’s at-bat.

Ron suddenly looks like he has another chance to dethrone Don. But the hour is getting late. His second chance could be his last.